that's right. you can't. i've got a lot of energy. they never told me anything except my own role--i had to find out the rest in the papers. i know where dwight works. i didn't do anything wrong. oh, maybe nickel and dime stuff. sometimes it got up to a quarter maybe-- --off the record. i didn't. when you guys print it in the paper, then i'll know. i'm a lawyer, and i'll probably go to jail, and be disbarred, and what did i do that was so awful? none of it was my idea, carl--i didn't go looking for the job. sure--off the record. i don't know anything about haldeman, except, dwight's frightened of him-- everybody's frightened of him--christ, i wish i'd never gotten messed around with this--all i wanna do is sit in the sun; sit, swim, see some girls. can't help you. what would you have done if you were just getting out of the army, if you'd been away from the real world for four years, if you weren't sure what kind of law you wanted to practice, and then one day you got a call from an old friend asking you to go to work for the president of the united states?