you're not a what? not a "what"? we. are not. "groupies." "groupies" sleep with rock stars because they want to be near someone famous. we are here because of the music. we are band aids. we don't have intercourse with these guys. we support the music. we inspire the music. we are here because of the music. it's a long story. i'm retired now. i'm just visiting friends. this is our journalist friend. journalist friend, meet estrella starr, and polexia aphrodisia. and you are -- i found you a pass. you're learning. they're much more fun on the way up. me too. how old are we really? me too. me too. isn't it funny? the truth just sounds different. you want to know how old i really am? it's a long story. we live in the same city. we should be friends. pleasure. have we met? i think i've heard of it. i get the gist. call me if you need a rescue. we live in the same city. the continental hyatt house. also known as the riot house. every band stays here, all the ones that matter. the who. zeppelin. alice. bowie. english bands. american bands. we all know each other. twenty- four hour room service. like us, they were outsiders. they were so outside, they're inside, and insiders never even knew it, because they're outsiders and they are inside a place outsiders will never be. and why are we even talking about it? if you're really an insider, you're never gonna say it. you know what i mean? it's all happening. and i'm about to use you as protection. these guys are with alice cooper. i'm going to pretend i don't know them. i'm just showing my very dear, very wonderful friend around. he's a very important writer - he knows lester bangs. i'm responsible for his moral conduct while he's abroad. i'm retired. and don't argue with me! have we met? this is my very dear, very close, very wonderful friend william miller, he is very close with lester bangs. i'm retired! doesn't anybody believe me!? okay. time to put on the lampshade. "in the unlikely event of a water landing, the seat below you will serve as a -" oh, the hell with it. i'm not good at goodbyes.