yeah. i know he's such a talented guy. i mean, look at him. who deserves it more? wait. that's not his. i would know his. he's with us. i'll go take care of this. hey. hey. be cool. speaking of the world. i've made a decision. i'm going to live in morocco for one year. i need a new crowd. it's a plan. you've got to call me. it's all happening. and we're not gonna hang out with russell. you can, but not me. please. i throw the little ones back. ric is a zeppelin fan. he tours with them, but not "with" them. i need ice! how does it end? you know - the story about the girl who dumps the guy who has an ex-ex wife -- the one we don't talk about -- and gets a hundred. okay, five letters from him, and then doesn't even leave a pass in san diego. wake up! i'm retired and i never believed you anyway. you're too talented and too good-looking to be trusted and everybody knows it. damn. never. gotcha. i may need to stay in your room tonight. russell's in a bad mood. he's very bob dylan in don't look back today. he's trying to write. can sapphire stay in your room tonight? she had a big fight with ozzy, and polexia's not working out with jeff bebe. you just have to remember. these guys are jealous, insecure, talented, egocentric, and manipulative geniuses. they're lead-singers. they can say "i love you" to 20,000 people. but any fewer is a real problem. jeff bebe has so much jealousy over russell that he can't express. plus, he never slept last night. you keep sapphire and i'll stay with russell. we don't have to. i don't believe in attachments. no boundaries. just the music. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. lesssssslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. leslie. don't worry. some to the radio interview. don't worry. it's happened to all the greats. thank god you didn't hold the mike stand with both hands, you'd still be holding it. this is a good thing. it's a good, good, good thing. give that to me. what do you think of russell? you're coming to cleveland, right? you should give him a break. there are real problems in the band. off the record. okay. i got it. i think your name should be spencer, and mine will be jane. no one can. here's the thing about russell. he's my last project. i only do this for a very few people. and i think we should do it together - he is almost great. we've got to take him there. you and me - we can do it. deal? because the other guys are good - but he could be great. he's my last project. i'm almost done with my shirt. backwards? you're one of us. it's no big deal. oh! if you go to cleveland, bowie's going to be there at swingo's, the greatest hotel in america. i'll introduce you to him, and his security guy dennis. famous people are just more interesting. boy, if this was the real world and some guy talked to me like that - come to cleveland. rock and roll! i know. you ever notice that all our sentences begin with "i?" 'cause we should work on that. so it wasn't a birthday party, it was a farewell. you're worried about me and russell. you're so sweet. god -- if there was more of you in him. did you miss your test or something? forget it. i'm flying to new york myself. i have a bunch of partial tickets. i know his ex-wife, current girlfriend's going to be there - what? what are you saying? what do you know? did russell say something? i know he wants me there. he gave me a cake. he wrote me that sweet poem. what are you telling me? you're right. i'm not who i said i was. i'm just like you. i love music, so this is my family. some people like tractors, and they hang out with tractor people. what's the worst that could happen if i go to new york? "i get my little heart broken?" i'm sorry i told you so much. you have some way of making everybody tell you all their secrets. come on. you've seen what's happened. russell and i fell in love. how much, i don't know. but this is the first time i've fallen for someone, really fallen. since iggy, and i'm not happy about it. you'll remember me forever. i was there when you lost your virginity. you make me laugh. i think i'm gonna cry. if i ever met a guy in the real world, who looked at me the way you just looked at me. you know -- you're too sweet for rock and roll. you're not any of those things and that's what i love about you. i don't want to go home! yes i did. look. you should be happy for me. you don't know what he says to me in private. maybe it is love. as much as it can be with someone who -- what kind of beer? ". you will be required to wear a safety vest." "please place all stowable luggage in the overhead compartments. out in the seat in front of you." "and seat-backs and tray-tables should be in their full and upright and locked positions. " ". you will be required to" i'm tired. when i was 14, my mom and her boyfriend took me to a rolling stones concert - and i freaked out and i rushed up to the front of the stage and then a thousand people had the same idea at the same time and i was getting crushed. and i couldn't breathe and that thought flashed through me - almost like a car accident - i thought i might die. and it was in the middle of "midnight rambler" and keith richards saw me. and he came over, and came to the front of the stage, and he pulled me out. and they took me backstage and they gave me coke with ice and a - and a lemon. and i never went home. she always said - "marry up." marry someone grand. that's why she named me lady. lady goodman. you never really get used to it, either. see you back there.