- so livia - mom -- i don't hate her. i think she said "feck." well. the letter "u". yeah. i had 'em. i shaved 'em off. we got our annuals today -- i look so much younger than everyone else. they do? come on you guys. it's no big deal. i'm 12. it's okay. she skipped me a grade, it's okay. big deal. i'm a year younger. they're 13, i'm 12 -- aren't i? so. i'm. how old? how. old. am i? eleven? e - leven. this explains. so much. okay! eleven. take good care of her in san francisco, man. i've been doing some stuff for a local underground paper, too. they hate me. i did? over? well. at least i'm here for that. smith-corona galaxis deluxe. the early stuff. the new stuff, he's trying to be bowie, he should be himself. i'm not a big lou man. if you like lou. no. me too. the writing part. okay. see you. industry. of. cool. an assignment. honest. unmerciful. you can drop me off here. all i have to do is listen. that's what lester bangs said. hi. i'm william miller and i'm here from creem magazine to interview the band black sabbath. sir, i'm a journalist, and here's a copy of the magazine. what-happens-after-i-go-to-the-top-of- the-ramp with-the-gi - me? i'm with myself. i'm here to interview black sabbath. i'm a journalist. i'm not a. you know. oh. i'm just. not a. you know. you know. a "groupie." sorry, i - -- sorry. right. right. okay. well, see, now i get the difference. william. i don't want to cause a thing. i'll wait. hi, i'm a journalist. i write for creem magazine. i'd like to interview you or someone from the band. okay. okay. i could do that. russell. jeff. ed. larry. i really love your band. i think the song "fever dog" is a big step forward for you guys. i think you guys producing it yourselves, instead of glyn johns, was the right thing to do. and the guitar sound was incendiary. way to go. the buzz? i know that, "woo." yeah. thanks. i got in with stillwater. the guitarist, russel hammond, he just thoroughly opened up. he is by far the best and most honest interview i've ever done. i've only done two, but you know. he's number one. eighteen. seventeen. actually i'm 16. i'm 15. no. right. right. russell, this is penny lane. well, i guess you've. you've met. "the riot house?" right. right. got it. later jeff! see you, dick. larry. ed. mick, gregg, red dog, scully, frosty, estrella, the wheel! penny! you just missed russell! he says he's at the "riot house" all week and to call him. he's under the name harry houdini. do you know about the "riot house?" he had a message for you! he said, "it's not california without you. we want you around like last summer." actually he said "ain't." "it ain't california - " how well do you guys know each other? i think i live in a different world. yes. okay. it's all happening. hey darryl. yeah. she and mom are still sorta. i'd say "not speaking," but i don't know if they ever did. that's okay. i don't want to know. it's my room now. okay - no. yeah. i'm thinking about going to morocco. a little might not be enough. yeah - listen - cool. alright. okay, man. mom. i'm 15. right? i thought it was pretty good. i will call you if anyone anywhere gets drunk. and don't take drugs. mom? stay. i-love-you-bye. yeah. yes. what is it with you and russell? polexia! yeah, i picked that up. harry houdini, please. alright. we've got to stop them. not on me. no. but i. i grow it. i grow it. i'd be someone else. this is he. yes it is. thanks. thanks. how about stillwater? sounds good. yes. crazy. but besides that, what would be wrong with it? swill merchants. i need to talk to mrs. deegan, from journalism. "he who jealously guards his fears, quietly yearns to bring them about!" darryl. please. lady of the jury. i wish to disprove the prevailing false belief that rock music is based on drugs and sex. true, perhaps at one time. but rock music is different now. it is now performed by hard-working intellectuals, with. with blazing intellectual pursuits, and i am going to play for you a piece of music designed to show you that my thesis is correct. the song is based on the literature of tolkien. and it's mystical attempt to elevate humanity has been successful throughout the world. this song will change your life. no. i'm a journalist. russell. do you think we might be able to find some time to talk when we get to phoenix? i want to interview everyone separately. and i felt we'd start with you and me. because i've got a thing in a couple days. it's a. thing where. uhm. you go there to graduate. school. no thanks. thanks. i know. sure. i'll take her. sure. all these people. and they all live in phoenix. alex. lowbatz. charles. c. swoop. paul and debbie finger. okay. you guys. wait. put down the phone, polexia. first, this is my room. second. i'm not opie. alright? opie is a little boy. i'm here to do a job. i am a professional. third! . this phone is a big, big deal. in a minute, i have to go interview russell. do not answer this phone if it rings. i have family members with severe anxiety problems. she will not understand. okay. i have a solution. answer the phone. but if anyone without an english accent is on the phone. just hang up. or say it's the wrong room. should i come by later? maybe that's a good thing!! okay! okay! no, i'm fine. i'll just interview jeff bebe some more. now that you're starting to be successful, you had twenty-six years to write your first album. and you'll have maybe four months for the second. do you worry that the pressure of the business will get in the way of the original joy of making your music? or it's off. i will quote you warmly and accurately. ohhhh. oh. yeah. right. yeah. right. right. i do. yeah. no, that's okay. we'll do the interview tomorrow. yeah. hey - for whatever it's worth - you guys are really good. how would you describe your role in stillwater? what is the chemical that you add to the chemistry? right. and when you take that away. what would be missing? stylistically? what chemical? what did it feel like to be electrocuted? what will our names be? i like him. cleveland, ohio? oh no no no. i gotta get my interview with russell before greenville. and you've got to help me. okay? friends. remember? what problems? i can't keep up with you. what's your real name? what do you love about music? hey. i know. i know. i know. i know. mom. mom. mom. right now -- topeka. then greenville. then home. i missed the last thing you said. what? i love you!! do you have to be depressed to write a sad song? do you have to be in love to write a love song? is a song better if it really happened to you? like, "if you say nothing". where did you write that and how did it come about? you okay? you alright? thanks. well, my dad died of a heart attack and my sister believes that my mom is so intense that she might have contributed to it. plus - it's good to talk about it. really good. so listen. i have to go home tomorrow. i know this is a bad time to finish our interview. we should probably head back sometime. please don't give him any more acid. no no. nope. no. hey russell - don't jump, okay? i think we should work on those last words. no, i'm not - just come on down!! which half? i have a lot more. just help me get my interview so i can go home from greenville. i have to go home. i have to go home. rolling stone is calling me. i don't have my key interview. i don't know what to say. think. piece. wait. i'll leave. i don't know. i just thought we could hang out, maybe do some stuff back home, regular stuff, get to know each other better. and then i'd see you pee. i mean, that's the way i usually do it. i'm not one of you. don't you have any regular friends? well, i would be worried that they were using me. and not that anybody's using you, but - let me finish. i'm not famous. but you could always use me. if anything happens. and i would never use you. even if i got famous. so you know, you always have that from me. in the real world. if you ever have to go back there, for anything. did he call? what are you -- stop it -- we're talking here. hello. i'm getting good stuff out here. it's a think-piece about a mid-level band grappling with their limitations in the face of the harsh glare of success. crazy. i'm going out to find russell. what am i to you? tell me right now! what. am. i. to. you. houdini. houdini. no. i can't. you've got to help me. i have to go home. you said you'd help me. i can't!! rock and roll. hi mom. i'm in cleveland. no. some people get her. some don't. she means well. so when you play a great show like tonight. anyone seen russell? no, i got it. what's that? yeah. i gotta work on that. don't tell me this stuff. i want to like him. penny - -- i'm not sure that's a good idea. i don't know anything. wake up! don't go to new york! because you're not who you said you were! i thought you were retired! oh no. never you! you eat people alive! that's a good one. tell me too much and make it my fault. you slept with iggy pop!? so was steely dan! it was a crowded room. i thought we were going to morocco! there's no morocco. there's never been a morocco. there's not even a penny lane. i don'teven know your real name. when and where does the real world occur? i am really. confused here. fuck! all these rules and all these sayings. and nicknames. where do you get off. where do you get "sweet?" i'm not sweet. i'm dark and mysterious and pissed-off and i could be very dangerous to all of you. i'm not sweet, and you should know that about me! i am the enemy. you fall in love to keep from falling in love. well, i have to go home. and you never helped me. that disc-jockey in arizona got a better interview than me. and he was asleep. -- sold you to humble pie for fifty dollars and a case of beer? i was there! well -- i kept thinking i was going home the next day -- ric! hello. mojo? i have some good news. i do. wait. i've got something to tell - you guys -- you guys -- you're gonna be on the cover of rolling stone. emily rugburn, please. hi. i'm a friend of penny lane's. where is she? what happened? oh -- wonderful. front desk? please send a doctor. room. what room? 703. 702. both rooms, either room. this is mr. rugburn, yes. my wife's had an accident with some quaaludes. yes - i'll do that. "in the unlikely event of a water landing. " keep going. "seat and tray tables." "in the tragic event of a water landing" well. now that i have your attention. and you may not remember this later, i just want to make it clear that. hey! i know you've heard this before. and i have never said this to anybody, not really - well, nobody who didn't legally have to say it back to me, but - i love you. and i have a hard time sharing you with all of rock and roll because i - why am i nervous? - you'll never remember this - hey! - i love you, and i'm about to boldly go where. many men have gone before. thank you doctor. she's a little confused. i don't have a driver's license. with me. happy anniversary. what about your mom? she named you lady? no. well -- this -- this just explains everything. hey lady! it's a log story. "that groupie?" she was a band-aid. all she did was love your band. and you all -- you used her, all of you. you used her and threw her away. she almost died last night, while you were with bob dylan. you're always talking about the fans, the fans, the fans. she was your biggest fan and you threw her away. and if you can't see that, that's your biggest problem. i'm not a messenger. i'm one of your writers. william miller. yep. please let me finish it. give me tonight to work on it. ben. you told me to send what i had. it's not finished. yes. it took it in grade school. well, it was fun. i know. even when i though i was, i knew i wasn't. i can really see that now. i'm glad you were home. me too! i feel better did you talk to russell? goodbye. yeah. just get me to my bed.