sir, we're getting some strange readings in the control room. well, sir, normal levels of paranormal activity range from three to five. we don't know. they only go up to 50. ms. cedrac, i'm agent miles. this is commander burke. fischer. commander burke wants to see you. sir, this one's infected too! krash? we've got three perimeters of flash- mines. gatling guns are set to electromagnetic motion tracking. and every available agent in the vicinity is here. but commander. something's definitely down there, sir. but there's too much interference to get a clear reading from here. defense perimeter's up. still waiting for the generator to come on-line. only until dawn. i know. incoming! where the hell are the lights? we've got incoming! what are your orders? they've hit the outer perimeter. krash? report! krash? can't get through to krash either. too much interference. hold your fire until they're at the second perimeter. fire! they're turning back! confirmed. feenstra! last one. commander? krash? anyone? i die fighting or i don't die at all.