i don't have anything scheduled. what museum was it transferred from? it's probably an error. it must be for the big abkani show. we've got abkani artifacts coming in from museums around the world. until hudgens gets back, i'm doing all the cataloguing anyway. off on another archeological goosechase. he thinks he's finally found the erebus. the pictograms are late-period abkani. it seems to be some sort of. prophecy. shadows that make ghosts of men. the world of light consumed by darkness. this is the first indication i've ever seen that the abkani had a myth about the end of the world. hello? it's a fascinating piece, dr. hudgens. i started decoding the pictograms and. i was only going to catalogue it for you. but, dr. hudgens, i was just. edward. i thought you were dead, you asshole! give me one reason why i'd ever want to speak to you again? it's abkani. and how did you end up with it? you should've called, edward. or written. just to let me know you were alive. yesterday, maybe not. but something happened last night. they were found in completely different locations. alaska. newfoundland. venezuela. and now this one's from chile. the abkani's written language is based on pictograms. combinations of symbols to create different meanings. but there's one here i've never seen before. give me that. what is it? how come every time you show up, my life gets complicated? no! why didn't you ask me that before you pushed me in here? what do you think? those doors lead to the front entrance. they saved our lives. it's fine. thanks. i want to finish studying those artifacts. commander, i need to get to my office. at least let me pack up my work. there's priceless artifacts in there. if they get damaged. i don't think i want to know your definition of out of the ordinary. dr. hudgens. when did you get back? i'm fine. a bit shaken up. but fine. edward. i can do that myself. dr. hudgens. i forgot to ask. did you find the erebus this time? since when do i have a security detail? what's missing. i see nothing's changed. edward? sweet dreams. something smells amazing. i love omelettes. i figured out a connection with the symbols on those artifacts. they correspond to constellations. but something's missing. can you run the program on this? the abkani used constellations to pin- point a geographical location. but i don't think i can isolate it closer than a hundred mile radius. that looked like john. you had no choice. how many are there altogether? what are you doing? he's not one of them. what does hudgens have to do with this? it looks like you're going to war. i've been thinking about something. the abkani prophecy. the shadows that make ghosts of men. but not every story starts to come true. they're abkani. it's a warning. the gist of it is, even if you make it down here alive, you're already dead. maybe this is what they look like when they grow outside a human host? the abkani didn't put this here. you sure this is going to work? what is this place? who did this to you? edward, look. the pictograms carved here make it pretty clear that's a bad idea. some doors are locked for a reason. edward. if he detonates those charges, we're all dead. where are all the children? edward. what's going on? it can't be. yes edward?