his better be good, miles. his is bureau 713. "strange" doesn't even crack my radar. now what's the situation? condescending) yes miles. and what level are the sensors picking up now? what are we looking at, krashinsky? i want a full security sweep. miles, get fischer to send his sci-and-spy boys down here. now go. hat the hell are you doing here, carnby? it's commander burke. this is my unit. you used to be able to take care of yourself, carnby. gotten soft since you left 713? aline cedrac. pleasure to meet you. how's the ph.d. coming along? miles, get her to a medic. why am i still looking at you? that information's classified. if you were still an agent, you'd already know. but since you're not, stay out of my way. get him out of here! the museum's quarantined until we're done. if you notice anything out of the ordinary, let me know immediately. have you been meeting with carnby? all the intell you've got on edward carnby. love what you've done with the place, carnby. drop your weapon and get down on the ground. he's been infected with some kind of organism. he could be under its control. you'll excuse me if i don't take your word for it. now drop your weapon. forget to pay your power bill, carnby? confirmed. spinal shot's a kill shot. you remember the number one rule they teach you in 713 training? trust your instincts. fischer's missing. so is hudgens. and i've got a situation brewing that makes this scrap look like a bar brawl. that's what i want to find out. i need you both to brief me in the air. oh, and carnby. i'll need my i-d back. krash! what are you reading? the military? we don't have time to wait for them to mobilize. no. initiate nine-alpha on my authority. but i won't hold my breath. by the time this clears defense council, we'll be dead or drinking. i know, miles. but back-up won't make it before sunrise. we are. the highest xeno concentration on record is closing in on this location. this could be our chance to wipe them out once and for all. what? goddamn it. miles, you're in charge of perimeter defense. nothing gets in or out until we find out what's down there. it's a dead end. we'll double-back. take another tunnel. we've got to get down there. hold tight, miles. once we retrieve marko we're coming back up. whatever's down here is going to have to wait. cheung! cut the line! krash, i need another exit. can you run a sonar pulse at this depth? krash? are you reading me? miles? we've got to get up there. miles! re-route those `copters! pull all agents back into the mine! set formation in teams of three! miles! goddamn it! i think you'd better see this. there's always a way. i say we got two options. one, we open this door, deal with whatever's on the other side. two, we set enough c-4 to bury this place. keep whatever's in there, down here for good. there's no way this was sanctioned. once we get out, we can remote detonate. the remote detonator's inactive. the signal can't get through.