your mother is wrong. being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive. that's because they don't know the truth. so, maybe you're thinking i'm an asshole, trying to scare this poor kid for no reason. but that's where you're wrong. because i've got my reasons. there's a world around you that you've trained yourself not to see. you've willfully closed your eyes. but your fear of the dark is not a weakness. it's there to protect you from things you'd better pray you never see. my eyes were forced open a long time ago. now i know. just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it can't kill you. trust me, i'm carrying enough baggage for the both of us. you really want to know? i'm a paranormal investigator. i'm an effective solution to unusual problems. speaking of which, that taxi's been following us since the airport. if you can. i'll draw him away. hello? linda, what's wrong? i'll figure this out, linda. i'll find john. of course not. sister. john disappeared last night. and something happened to me as well. i need your help, sister. i need to find the others. i'll let you know as soon as i hear something. i ordered for you, fischer. it's pecan. that means all nineteen are missing. that's what i'm trying to find out. thanks fischer. it's good to know i've still got friends at 713. i missed you too. aline. let me explain. in private. five minutes, aline. i'll tell you everything. i was in the amazon for six weeks, tracking poachers through their transport lines. then i fell in with a group of ex- chilean military selling artifacts on the black-market. this was found in a gold mine in the southern tip of chile. i asked very nicely. does it make any sense to you? ten thousand years ago, it would've been like burying them at the ends of the earth. you're not trying to seduce me, are you? hairs on the back of my neck just stood up. i could ask you the same thing. i think we'd better run. can't hold it. is there any way out of here? hey richie. i'll catch up. i need to know what those things are. i'm asking nicely. you're right, commander. i guess i have gone soft. i need to find out what's happened to john and the others. stay in contact. we'll meet up later. i'm not here. commander burke is. now what the hell is that thing inside him? the list of people i trust is short, fischer. is it about to get shorter? have you i-d'd him? he was an agent? when? it's fused with his nervous system. can you remove it? i'm not much for coincidences. these organisms must be connected to those things from the museum. catchy. when did they first appear? have you isolated any weaknesses? if they disrupt electricity, why did my flashlight still work? i'm going to need a lot of those. five minutes. i know. maybe this will help. what are we looking for? yeah. that's us right there. john? behind you! it is. the other two are from the orphanage as well. something's controlling them. twenty. including me. we'd better get out of here. aline! it's true. i've got one inside me. but it's not controlling me. why are the lights still out? all agents! you've got to kill the organism to stop them! aim for the spine! we need to go down there. they're coming here for a reason. until we know what they're after, we're never really going to be able to stop them. every culture has a story about the end of the world. wait. aline, look at this. aline! subtle. aline! we'll find a way out. it's just like the organism fischer took out of pinkerton. this is where it happened. so it's a key. the answers i've been looking for my whole life could be in there. barr. how much c-4 you got left? it was 713. aline. give him the key. enough people have died today. look at the dust on the floor. this is where hudgens got in. over there! we'll find a way. burke! they were under us the whole time. something's very wrong. remember what hudgens said? i was his last failure. he said he perfected the implant process. then where the hell is everybody? where's everybody gone? here's what i know. there are two worlds on this planet. a world of light and a world of darkness. for millions of years, these worlds were in balance. but now, the lights of human civilization burn everywhere. the dark places are disappearing. we forced them to come out of the shadows. now, it's my job to force them back in. my name is edward carnby. i'm here to protect you from things you don't believe in. aline. It's going to be a busy day. 82: continued: continued: continued: