i've been searching for the erebus for twenty years, captain. now that i've found it, i'm afraid your ill-informed superstitions aren't enough to stop me. bring it up. the conditions must be perfect. otherwise, there will be. consequences. did you know the abkani were the first civilization to use gold for their valuables? they believed it held the power to contain evil spirits. thousands of years later, we don't even remember why gold was valuable to us in the first place. now, let's load it onto the truck. you have no idea. i suppose one should not be surprised when mercenaries act mercenary. you're making a terrible mistake. captain! don't open it! they're faster than i thought. did a shipment arrive for me today? who told you to do that? that crate was not to be opened. it's not your place to question my instructions, ms. cedrac. leave the tablet alone. i'll catalogue it myself when i get back. the abkani never cease to amaze me. such a complex society at a time when most of humanity was still hunting and gathering and huddling around fires. a few hours ago. i heard there was some excitement. are you alright? i apologize for snapping at you earlier. now, what are you still doing here after all you've been through? where did you get that image? this is a major find. i'll need to analyze it. confirm its authenticity. that wasn't a request. where is the artifact? and you are? my dear, do you have any idea who i. i'll just have to hold off my curiosity until morning. just an empty shipwreck. you were right. it was another wild goosechase. if you can't beat us, fischer, join us. i'm afraid i can't allow that. now drop your weapons and back away. our early work was crude, i admit. but eventually we perfected the implant process. you were our last failure, carnby. if you hadn't escaped, 713 never would've shut down the experiments. burke's eyes flash with anger. before your kind took over, 713 had very different. priorities. now, you just blaze in and destroy everything before we can learn to control it. i've wasted twenty years working in secret because of short-sighted men like you. hudgens sees the abkani device aline is holding. there it is. aline's expression is firm, unafraid. she grips the device tightly. hudgens is about to pull the trigger. you were a fine archeologist. you couldn't have opened it anyway. not without this. insert the key. now turn it. when we found the first of them, 713 saw just another threat to be eliminated. but i knew it was something more. it was the first. the first to wake. i've woken others since then. but the rest are coming.