but he needs to be here in salzburg, your grace. he needs me and he needs you. your protection, your understanding. oh sir, yes! he's about to make the worst mistake of his life. some little viennese slut is trying to trick him into marriage. i know my son. he is too simple to see the trap - and there is no one there who really cares for him. sir - yes, sir, that's the truth. but don't blame him. the fault is mine. i was too indulgent with him. but not again. never again, i promise! i implore you - let me bring him back here. i'll make him give his word to serve you faithfully. oh, sir, he's never disobeyed me in anything. please, your grace, give him one more chance. oh, your grace - i thank your grace! i thank you! my dear son. i write to you with urgent news. i am coming to vienna. take no further steps toward marriage until we meet. you are too gullible to see your own danger. as you honour the father who has devoted his entire life to yours, do as i bid, and await my coming. am i not welcome? you're very thin. does she not feed you, this wife of yours? is she not here? do you always live like this? don't you have a maid? how is your financial situation? that's not what i hear. they say you're in debt. how many pupils do you have? yes. how many? composition doesn't pay. you know that. what's that? why not? you don't have secrets from me. i see that you're expecting. when, may i ask? why didn't you mention it in your letters? thank you. that'll be fine. don't spend any money on me. no, please! this is ridiculous! no, please! no, really! i want you to come back with me to salzburg, my son. i'm tired of this game. please play without me. mine? i never saw this girl in my life. is this a kind of joke? young woman, this won't do at all. my son can't possibly accept such an offer, no matter how generous, unless he knows who is behind it. oh, this is ridiculous. but you can't take her without reference. it's unheard of! so now we are going to let a perfect stranger into the house? never mind. you won't have to do anything for me ever again. i'm leaving! don't worry, i'm not staying here to be a burden. she does. she says i sleep all day. and what do you expect? who wants to walk out into a mess like this every day? so you are! the place is a pigsty all the time. sorry, sorry! i'm sorry i spoke! i'm just a provincial from salzburg. what do i know about smart vienna? parties all night, every night. dancing and drinking like idiot children! dinner at eight! dinner at ten! dinner when anyone feels like it! if anyone feels like it! your majesty. that's right, your majesty. twenty years ago. no, twenty-two! twenty- three! and i remember word for word what you said to me. you said - you said -- no! yes, 'bravo,' of course 'bravo'! everybody always says 'bravo' when wolfi plays. like the king of england. when we played for the king of england, he got up at the end and said, 'bravo! bravo! bravo!' three times. three bravo's. and the pope four! four bravo's from the holy father, and one 'bellissimo.' hush! i'm talking to his majesty. your majesty, i wish to express only one thing - that you who are the father of us all, could teach our children the gratitude they owe to fathers. it is not for nothing that the fifth commandment tells us: 'honour your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the earth.'