let us pass, please! let us pass at once! we're with the emperor. do you know who i am? this is my daughter. i am frau weber. we are favoured guests! call herr mozart! you call herr mozart immediately! this is insupportable! go ahead, constanze. just ignore this fellow. go ahead, dear! young man, i am no stranger to theatres. i'm no stranger to insolence! wolfi! wolfi, my dear! oh! oh, sire! such an honour! and, and, and these are my dear daughters. this is constanze. she is the fiancee of herr mozart. you see? you see? i've told him that, your majesty, but he won't listen to me. oh, your majesty, you give such wonderful - such impeccable - such royal advice. i - i - may i? ah, what an evening! what a wise man we have for an emperor. oh, my children! now i want you to write your father exactly what his majesty said. but aren't you taking us? that's all right; we'll wait for you. just don't take all night.