stanzi-manzi-banzi-wanzi! sssh! you're dishgrashful! no, no! you both lost. you both lost. you both have to forfeit. and the penalty is you must exchange your wigs. herr mozart, why don't you name your son's penalty? what did he say? what did he say? i've got a good one. i've got the perfect one for you. come over here. now, i want you to play our tune - sitting backwards. and a fugue in the manner of sebastian bach. sublime! utterly sublime! who is it? c-c-c-come in! who the devil are you? what do you want? dinner? how dare you? i am a nobleman. i only dine with people of my own height. this is ridiculous. i won't have any of it. you're turning my house into a circus! shut up. women, women, women! i'm sick to death of them. in the pot, i have got a good dinner. not a sausage or stew, but a singer. not a sausage or stew but a singer. is the treat that i'll eat for my meat! hey what? leporello! we want some hay - prestissimo! leporello - where are you? well, how do you like that? yes, well, it's all good fun. isn't he marvelous? he cost me a bundle, that horse, but he's worth it. i tell you, if you'd played don giovanni here it would have been a great success. i'm not joking. these people aren't fools. you could do something marvelous for them. 'course you would. you belong here, my boy, not the snobby court. you could do anything you felt like here - the more fantastic the better! that's what people want, you know: fantasy. you do a big production, fill it with beautiful magic tricks and you'll be absolutely free to do anything you want. of course, you'd have to put a fire in it, because i've got the best fire machine in the city and a big flood - i can do you the finest water effects you ever saw in your life. oh, and a few trick animals. you'd have to use those. i tell you i picked up a snake in dresden last week - twelve foot long - folds up to six inches, just like a paper fan. it's a miracle. i'm serious. you write a proper part for me with a couple of catchy songs, i'll guarantee you'll have a triumph- de-luxe. mind you, it'll have to be in german. of course! what else do you think they speak here? so there you are. what do you say? ah. well. ah, i see you've got your manager with you. well, madame, how about half the receipts? down payment? who do you think i am? the emperor? whoops, i have to go. stay where you are. you're going to like this next one. we'll speak again. triumph-de-luxe, my boy! am i interrupting something? where's our friend? i hope so. i need it immediately. is he happy with it? is this it? what the devil is this? requiem mass? does he think i'm in the funeral business? wolfi! what is this? oh! i'm sorry! i'm sorry! what have you got for me? is it finished? what? the vaudeville, what'd you think? can i see it? why not? look, i asked you if we could start rehearsal next week and you said yes. so let me see it. where is it? look, you little clown, do you know how many people i've hired for you? do you know how many people are waiting? i'm paying these people. do you realize that? i'm paying people just to wait for you. it's ridiculous! oh yes? and what's so intelligent about writing a requiem? you're mad! she's mad, wolfi. listen, wolfi. write it. please. just write it down. on paper. it's no good to anyone in your head. and fuck the death mass. herr salieri. can we come in? but he's all right? well, tell him we were here, won't you? and say everything went wonderfully. a triumph-de-luxe - say that! tell him the audience shouted his name a hundred times. i'll call tomorrow. oh, by the way, give him this. this is his share. that should cheer him up, eh?