open the door, signore! please! be good now! we've brought you something special. something you're going to love. signore salieri! open the door. come now. be good! that's all right, signore! he heard you! he forgave you! he wants you to go inside now and shut the window! come on, signore! look what i have for you! i can't give it to you from down here, can i? no one, sir. he'll be all right. poor man. he's a little unhappy, you know. did he open? here i am, signore. now open the door. mmmm - this is good! this is the most delicious thing i ever ate, believe me! signore, you don't know what you're missing! mmmm! now that's enough, signore! open! if you don't open this door, we're going to eat everything. there'll be nothing left for you. and i'm not going to bring you anything more.