no, doctor. thank you. herr salieri? i am father vogler. i am a chaplain here. i thought you might like to talk to someone. you tried to take your life. you do remember that, don't you? in the sight of god that is a sin. do you understand that you have sinned? gravely. i cannot leave alone a soul in pain. that makes no difference. all men are equal in god's eyes. offer me your confession. i can offer you god's forgiveness. my son, there is something dreadful on your soul. unburden it to me. i'm here only for you. please talk to me. i know a little. i studied it in my youth. here in vienna. i can't say i do. what is it? i regret it is not too familiar. oh, i know that! that's charming! i didn't know you wrote that. of course. the man you accuse yourself of killing. all vienna has heard that. is it true? should i? for god's sake, my son, if you have anything to confess, do it now! give yourself some peace! do you hear me? yes? did you do it? did you try? you cannot say that! god's ways are not yours. and you are not here to question him. offer him the salt of penitence. he will give you back the bread of eternal life. he is all merciful. that is all you need to know. my son, no one can speak for god. i do not claim to unravel the mysteries. i treasure them. as you should. what? yes. why? why? why? why add to your misery by confessing to murder? you didn't kill him. no, you didn't! but not his body. my son, why should you want all vienna to believe you a murderer? is that your penance? is it? oh my son, my poor son!