i agree, majesty, but i'm afraid it's not possible. the young man is still in the pay of the archbishop. in my opinion, it is time we had a piece in our own language, sir. plain german. for plain people. yes, sir. your majesty, herr mozart - he's here. well done, sire! did we? what is what? because his majesty wishes it. on the contrary. mozart, you are not the only composer in vienna. a little modesty would suit you better. kapellmeister bonno, count orsini- rosenberg and court composer salieri. mozart - mozart - look, young man, the issue is simple. if you want this post, you must submit your stuff in the same way as all your colleagues. i know we banned this play, but frankly i can't remember why. can you refresh my memory, herr director? oh yes, yes. and that was? ah. govern your tongue, sir! how dare you? herr mozart -