but all the money from these will go to mrs. guest. he more we can make you look like a girl, the better. i did it for fun? sure. listen, i've put together a month n europe. close some foreign licensing deals, open new markets. she doesn't look up. by this time, i had a side job as chairman of the editorial board of paramount pictures. so amelia and i bought a little place in los angeles. he goes slowly back to his desk. on it, sits a large cardboard carton. she was out there, preparing for a flight, when our home in rye burned to the ground. we see that the contents of the box, papers, small objects, have been singed or charred. he stares into it. i found something you'd written. draws a breath. reads. as i said, i've sort of persuaded ed. there are a bunch of trustees and donors, tho. we have to get them on board. gene, this way our first leg is oakland to miami. it's a shakedown o make sure the plane is right. that's crucial. gene nods, slowly. his eyes still locked on her. and thanks for being here. you've always had amelia's best interests t heart. he look still unbroken. and, for that. i'm grateful. you should be sleeping. he smiles to keep his voice up. the eyes aren't smiling. we intercut their conversation throughout. looking back, the questions were obvious. why would anyone try to ind such a tiny target in a vast ocean, with barely an hour's lee- way in fuel? he draws a breath. george well, we're most grateful. with such an effort, of course they'll e found. 13: slim, get out. i've got this. a beat. slim goes, the door shuts quietly. amelia sits on the edge of bill's bed. `. pure suicide for any woman today. it is madness for them to attempt it and' he looks up to her. it's over there. yeh. what's today been like? you still okay? intercut george at his office. he's standing at the window, phone in one hand, single sheet of paper in the other. like the other objects in the box, it is partially singed. me, too. thanks for the roses. she hangs up. turns to her adoring pupils, and drops a curtsy. ta-da! they applaud. she stares at them. as if deciding whether to say. they thought i was competent. george i meant. or maybe we can quit. she looks over. not sure if.