it's so good to see you too, catherine. carolyn! of course. how are you? it's a pleasure. oh, yes. i see. i'd love to. absolutely. call my secretary and have her schedule a lunch. carolyn. i'm so sorry i kept you waiting. christy left for new york this morning, and. let's just say things were very hectic around the house. she's moving there. yes. we are splitting up. yes, according to her, i'm too focused on my career. as if being driven to succeed is some sort of character flaw. well, she certainly knew how to take advantage of the lifestyle my success afforded her. oh. wow. ah, it's for the best. well, call me crazy, but it is my philosophy that in order to be successful, one must project an image of success, at all times. you like getting nailed by the king? know what i do when i feel like that? i fire a gun. oh yeah, i go to this little firing range downtown, and i just pop off a few rounds. oh, you've gotta try it. nothing makes you feel more powerful. well, almost nothing. nothing. make that two. i'm flattered. i'm sorry. i guess we should cool it for a while. i'm facing a potentially very expensive divorce.