i don't know, richie. i'm moving. to the st. regis, what do you care. my sister's. what am i supposed to do with him? leave him with you? there's a picture. you? last weekend! oh, like this is a good environment. around your friends. there are less creeps in vegas. i'm thinking - richie - of him! what are you saying? that because you were "honest" and didn't take money like every other cop, i left you? you don't take money for one reason: to buy being dishonest about everything else. and that's worse than taking money nobody gives a shit about - drug money, gambling money nobody's gonna miss. i'd rather you took it and been honest with me. or don't take it, i don't care. but don't then go cheat on me. don't cheat on your kid by never being around. don't go out and get laid by your snitches and secretaries and strippers. i can tell just by looking, she's one of them. you think you're going to heaven because your "honest." you're not. you're going to the same hell as the crooked cops you can't stand.