hey, frank, get me an ashtray while you're at it. didn't you see the jar, frank? i think you walked right past it. the money jar. on the corner. what i got to do, put a sign on it? bumpy don't own 116th street no more, frank. bumpy don't own no real estate in harlem no more. i'm the landlord now and the lease is twenty-percent. then don't sell dope, frank. get a fuckin job. you need a job? you can be my driver, drive me around, open my door, yes, sir, no sir, where to, sir, right away, massa johnson, sir. of every dollar. every vig, every truckload, every girl, every ounce. in the jar. bumpy's fuckin dead. the fuck you want, frank - what're you going to do, boy? shoot me in broad daylight? in front of everyone?