how much. what happened to the rest? what're you doing counting this in front of everybody? are you out of your fuckin mind? take it into a room. now. me and the u.s. attorney. no one else. no fbi. hoover knows better than to mix his men with dope. too much temptation for the feeble-minded. richie, a detective who doesn't have the cooperation of his fellow detectives can't be effective. doesn't matter. it's fucked up. you're right. maybe this's an opportunity away from all that. done. this is more than a year's salary, richie. if it disappears, i won't be able to get it for you again. richie - cops are like - what were you doing there? the cab driver's filed aggravated assault and grand theft charges - - which he may reconsider depending on the amount the state of new jersey offers to settle - you stole his cab and broke his arm. i don't want to hear about you going into new york anymore. you're not listening to me. i said: i don't want to hear about it . you do whatever you have to do, go wherever you have to go to find out who's bringing this shit into the country . just don't tell me. get some sleep. not your typical day in the life of a dope man, richie. you think frank lucas took over for bumpy johnson? his driver? that's a little far-fetched. bumpy never wore a chinchilla coat in his life. what do you got on him you can use in court? because this isn't it. you try this without informants and powder, no one's going to jail. that's because they all think you're on the take and you think they are. richie has a lot of experience - he was out of line, richie. it's over. you're shut down. where is it? you know that it's there. you're sure.