white wine, please. pull - she's a lovely girl. you should marry her. frank. that's a mistake. if i may say. don't take her for granted, girl like that. you interested in history, frank? the events that have brought us to where we are today? you know who was? bumpy. i always wonder if people know when history's being made. and what they're doing at the time. this, for instance, could be a historic moment, and you're sipping a glass of ice water. bumpy and i did a lot of business together, as you know. whatever he needed, he'd come to me and i'd do my best to provide it. he came to me, i didn't go to him, is the point i'm trying to make. you know why? yes. until now. monopolies are illegal in this country, frank, because no one can compete with a monopoly. if they let the dairy farmers do that, half of them would go out of business tomorrow. which is your right. because this is america. but not at the unreasonable expense of others. that's un-american. you know the price you pay for a gallon of milk doesn't represent its true cost of production. it's controlled. set. it's very unfair, in fact. your customers are happy, but what about your fellow dairy farmers? you're not thinking of them. all right. i can see you're getting excited. don't get excited. that's not why i invited you to my home. to get excited. here, i got something for you. now what if - i'm just thinking out loud - you sold some of your inventory wholesale and i helped with the distribution. which is a little mom and pop store compared to what i'm talking about. i could make you bigger than k-mart. l.a., chicago, detroit, vegas. i'm speaking nationwide. and i'd guarantee you peace of mind. you know what i mean by that. frank. you can see i'm a renaissance man. unfortunately not all my people are as enlightened. ask them, what is civil rights, they don't know. they're not as open to change from the way things are done and who's doing it. but i can talk to them so there won't be any misunderstanding. that's what i mean by peace of mind. you see, i was right. this is a historic moment. you're going to be bigger than bumpy himself. can't smoke it here, unfortunately. grace doesn't like it. take it with you. hey, frank, you keep that hat on, i'm gonna miss the fight - i don't know that it was any of them, frank. neither do you. you want to know who it was? i can tell you. it was a junkie. or a rival. or some dumb ass kid trying to make a name for himself. or someone you forgot to pay off. or slighted without realizing it. or someone you put out of business by being too successful. success has a lot of enemies. your success is who took a shot at you. how you gonna kill it? by being unsuccessful? you can be successful and have enemies, or unsuccessful and have friends. it's the choice we make.