now just enough for the reagent test. when's the last time i was in jersey? let me think. never. what're you doing coming over here without letting anybody know? you don't know you can get hurt doing that? you got your money. now, never, ever, come into the city again unannounced. you come in to see a fuckin broadway show you call ahead first to see if it's okay with me. hello, frank. you sure you done the right thing? she's a beautiful girl - there's no question - but she's got an attitude on - man walks around in a fifty thousand dollar chinchilla coat and he never even bought me a cup of coffee? something wrong there. you pay your bills, frank? do you pay your bills, i asked you. what's my share? you don't even know me. maybe i'm special. what does that say? special - investigations - unit. see that word there? "special." ten grand, first of each month, delivered here. have a nice honeymoon. hello, frank. i did not, as a matter of fact. get out of the car. the shelby's gone, frank. want to come over here a minute, frank? now what are we gonna do about this? i got a better idea. or would you rather i took it all and threw you and your brother in the fuckin river? i loved that car. let's go. from what i hear, it was the corsicans. the french connection, fernando rey, the exporters frank has put out of business. now, i can take care of him in new york, but i don't want to have to worry every time he drives across the bridge to jersey someone's gonna take another shot at him. we need to start working together. we need to step up our efforts. next time their aim could be better. we need to keep this cash cow alive. jesus. what the fuck you doing here? you actually going to arrest frank lucas? what's the matter with you? your husband's illustrious career is over. the feds are going to come in and take it all. everything. but not before i get my gratuity. where's the money? the money! the getaway money frank and every other gangster keeps in his house!