i'll go. i'll go. old enough. how old are you? you can't be that old. but you asked me. what's the matter? am i too ugly? judy doesn't want me with her and now you don't want me with you. nobody wants me. even my mother and father hate me. everybody hates me. i am not! if you throw me out i'll scream. hey, is this what they call copping a feel? what's your name? so the next night we found out where they parked and went out with ammunition. no sweat--my mother does it. anyway, he thought he was had. he started the car and couldn't see through the windshield--and zoomed straight into the canal--it was a riot. i still got some, so don't try anything. spare me, killer. why'd you do that? don't you think the beach boys are boss! grungy? you big weenie, if i had a boyfriend he'd pound you. good, a cop--i'm going to tell him you tried to rape me. it's past my curfew. i'm going to tell him how old i am, my parents don't know i'm out and you tried to rape me. boy, are you up a creek. if you say "i was a dirty bird. carol's not grungy, she's bitchin'." say it--i'll tell him. okay--i'll think about it. you're a regular j.d. c.s.? what's that stand for? oh. i'm so thirsty, i could die. just a little 10 cent coke to wet my whistle. it won't take a minute, i can drink it in the-- isn't it great, the way i can cry whenever i want. a lot of people can't do that, but vicki showed me how. i bet you can't cry. thanks for nothing. oh rats, i though some of my friends might be here. wait, there's dee dee. i hope she sees me. babysitting!! you spastic creep! hi cousin, how's your bod? needs a paint job, that's for sure. you never had a wreck though--you told me. i bet you're the fastest. i'd love to see you race. whadaya mean? i'm the one who's supposed to say that. whadaya afraid of? i'll keep it above the waist. bunny rabbit! oh brother, you are such a drip. if you say "carol's not a bunny, she's a foxy little tail." you say the cutest things. i just love listening to the wolfman. my mom won't let me at home. because he's a negro, i think. anyway, he's terrific. do you know that he just broadcasts from a plane that flies around in circles all the time? do you think that's true? don't worry, i won't rape you. all right, very funny. what a chop. ha ha. quit laughing!! let's catch 'em at the light. then you jump out and flatten their tires. just do what i say! it doesn't look like a gear shift knob. well, go ahead, cream me. what's wrong, you're a tough guy. break my arm, see if i care. i was just going to keep it for a little while. you're an ogre, just like my father. he won't let me play records, or stay out late, or anything. no--he's terrible. once i was at a party that didn't end till late and he called the cops. can you imagine? it was only a little after midnight and he had the whole police force-- over on ramona, why? oh no. uh uh. you thought i'd tell you where--not me, not old carol. the night is young and i'm not hitting the rack until i get a little action. what do you keep lookin' at? who's that? you know him? he's following awful close. your car's uglier than i am. that didn't come out right. oh, race him, you can beat him. wow! he's really fast, isn't he? why are we stopping here? what? you can't? me? well--well, a lot of that's an act, you know. like. like my crying. it was just an act. it's not too late! it's never too late! 231 ramona--two three one-- i'll show you! it's easy to find. i had fun. goodbye. do you like me? but i mean, do you like me? couldn't i have something to remember you by? gee, thanks. it's just like a ring or something. it's like we were going steady. wait'll i tell marcia. wait'll i tell everybody. well, i'll see you around.