oh great. well. ah. why don't you hold onto it for a while? steve. ah, i think we'd better have a talk. i've gotten- now, steve! let her wait. yeah, well. listen. i. i don't think i'm going tomorrow. i don't know. i was thinking i might wait for a year. go to city-- wait, let me explain-- i just want some time to think. what's the rush? i'll go next year. why is it every girl that comes around here is ugly? or has a boyfriend? where is the dazzling beauty i've been searching for all my life? hey, john. someone new in town. you gonna go after him? the big shot! hey, sis--what's wrong? what's wrong, he's crying! i'd like to, toad, but i'm going with steve and laurie to the hop. i'd just slow you down anyway. yeah. you ain't got no emotions? why don't you come with us? come on. for old time's sake. what's the matter john? did i say somethin' wrong? i'm sorry. well, we'll see you later, okay? we'll all do somethin' together. you know, before steve leaves. i don't know. what? what? what?!!! quick! hang a right! cut over to g street, i've just seen a vision! she was a goddess. you've got to catch her! i'm telling you, this was the most perfect, dazzling creature i've ever seen. she spoke to me. she spoke to me, right through the window. i think she said, "i love you." that means nothing to you people? you have no romance, no soul? she-- someone wants me. someone roaming the streets wants me! will you turn the corner? kids. want one? no, not yet. i have no matches. blotto. cute. very cute. where'd you go again? and only stayed a semester. why? well, you know i might find i'm not the competitive type myself. well, i'm not really sure that i'm going. jane. yeah. i'll see you. thanks a lot. well--hey, wendy. fine. great. how've you been? ah, maybe. maybe. hey, wendy--where are you going? well, you mind if i come along? okay. there--don't you see it? speed up, you're losing her-- cut around him, cut around him. there, hang a right--over there! you lost her! lost her again. ah, wendy, my old lover, come back here and console me. i don't know, but i'm going to find out. okay, come on, who is she? yeah. but she was young and beautiful, and cruising 10th street. you're thinking of someone else. what cruel fate keeps me from my true love? how am i ever going to meet her? maybe i've grown up. maybe i've changed my mind. maybe you should shut up! why don't you move your bod into aft chamber, where we might discuss this in private. come on, wendy? she doesn't say anything. they pull up to a stoplight. wendy looks at the red stoplight and then abruptly gets out of the car and jumps in the back. to the opera, james. unless you want to go to gallo dam and have an orgy. maybe. huh? yeah, i know him. what do you want me to say? kip, baby, what's up? not much, just wanted to let you know that bobbie here is hopelessly in love with you and trembles at the sight of your rippling biceps. help, wait! joke--joke--bobbie, remember your nose bleeds! excuse me--ouch--wendy--i got to go now. see ya. oh shit--there!! wait! me? gil gonzales. no. yeah. why? no place. not going any place. i guess so--yeah. i'm sorry. it's not much of a scratch. i don't think he'll even-- that's funny hey, you guys know toby juarez? he's a pharoah, isn't he? he's a friend of mine. oh--well, i don't know him that much anyway. well, i don't think i can--i gotta-- probably is. whimps get all the snatch. hey, terrific, i love miniature golf. well, i don't play that often really. ah--what're we doing here then? they don't sell gas here. curt. hey, hi. mr. gordon, what's up? these are my friends. we were just. oh ah--no--no, i'm not-- i mean, i'm not leaving until tomorrow. ah, he means, we're all done having loads of fun out here. yes. yes, it is. thank you. thank you both. i think i have. no, i won't forget you and you won't forget me. 'bye. right. what he said goes for me, too. hey--any of you guys know a blonde in a white t-bird? i was just wondering who she is. price range? you mean she's a-- we must be thinking of different blondes. curt. wait a minute, wait a minute, joe. what if he hears me? no. no, i don't. wait--wait a minute. wait a minute! what blood initiation? yeah, yeah. no sweat. let's get out of here. stand by for justice! yeah, there's some things i got to do. i still want to find that blonde. yeah, i guess so. hey--i'll see you guys. hold that up. wait a minute, wait a minute. i've heard this already. aren't you the one who for eight weeks has been telling me you have to leave the nest sometime? no--no realizing. you've been telling me all summer that it's time to pull your head out of the sand and take a look at the big, beautiful world out there. gimme this thing. i feel like a mid-wife. wrong nothing. you've been talking about getting out of this town for eight weeks. and now--goddamnit!-- you're just--you're just mentally playing with yourself. if you can just relax, we'll talk about it at the airport. i have a dental appointment. just relax, wil ya? i'll see you at the airport. it's--i want to talk to the wolfman. i know, but i got to get in touch with him. i got something to give him before-- no, i can't. i want to ask him something that-- listen, i got a right to talk to him. i listened to him every night for as long--for twelve years almost. i know him and it's personal and it'll only take a minute and i bet wolfman would be upset if he knew a friend couldn't get in touch with-- i'm looking for a girl. no. thanks. listen, ah. are you the wolfman? he's on tape. the man is on tape. well, ah--where does he work? i mean, where is the wolfman now? but i got to give him this note. no, no. see, this is very important. i may be leaving town tomorrow, and it's very important that i--damn it, that i reach this girl right now. well, i'm supposed to go to college back east tomorrow. and i don't know if i'm gonna go. no, thank you. why don't you leave? that'd be great. thanks. really. 'bye. wolfman. hello, hello, hello! yeah. this is curt, who is this? do you drive a white t-bird? you know me. who are you? how do you know me? it's important to me. you're the most perfect, beautiful creature i've ever seen and i don't know anything about you. could we meet someplace? no. i don't think so. i'm leaving. in a couple of hours. where are you from? what's your name? at least tell me your name? wait a second! wait a second! yeah, same to you. and i better see you there next year. sure. see ya later. so long, guys. yeah. i'll see ya, buddy. okay, john. so long.