for real? you really think i look like her? debbie. i always though i looked like sandra dee. this your car? it's really tough looking. dewey--can it lay rubber? wow--bitchin' tuck and roll. i just love the feel of tuck and roll upholstery. yeah. okay. peel out. peel out. i love it when guys peel out. i never seen ya. they got the best uniforms. but what if there's a war? i love eddie burns. you really think i look like connie stevens? i like her--tuesday weld is too much of a beatnik, don't you think? who do you like? i mean, singers and stuff. that's nice--we got a lot in common. you know what i'd like more than anything in the world right now? i'd love a double chubby chuck. isn't that what you'd like more than anything right now? and cherry cokes. beat it, vic. i'm not your baby. three weeks. besides, it only took one night for me to realize that if brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose. tiger happens to be very intelligent. unlike you. i know every thing your dirty little mind is thinking. . it shows. i won't be home. that sex fiend is not a friend of mine; he's just horny. that's why i like you, you're different. yeah. and i'll bet you're smart enough to get us some brew. yeah. do you have an id? if you could get some old harper, i'd give you a french kiss. hey, did ya get it? ya get it, ya get it? you got it. you got it! you didn't get it. why didn't you get it? what? are you for real? come on. girls don't pay. guys pay. well, i can't believe this. i really cannot believe this. here. it's the living end. wow, it's pretty tonight. it's a perfect night to go horseback riding-- i was going with a guy once who had a horse. really? do you still have 'em? we could go for a ride. why do you kill little animals? i think that's terrible. wait a second. there--now. ow--you pinched me. let me get my head over here--okay, now you get up-- ummm, i just love tuck 'n roll upholstery. nah, come on. they won't come back. all right. okay. what's wrong? what? anyway, the goat killer-- --whenever he strikes, he leaves a bloody goat's head near the victim. isn't that creepy? they thought he went up to stockton, but two nights ago they found carlie johnson and don white right here by the canal all hacked to pieces and-- --not only were there bloody goats' heads, but he had switched all the parts of their bodies around. you know putting her arms on him and his legs on-- you think it's the goat killer? come on, we'll hide in the field. maybe if it's the goat killer he'll get somebody and we'll see the whole thing. shhh--he's stopped. i can't see him very--i think he's coming this way. over there. hello. hi. yeah. yeah. it's a good thing too. 'cause somebody stole our car. yeah, i do. i do. why can't we go to burger city? hey, why don't we go get your jeep? you know, your jeep. the one you sold the hunting ponies for. the one with the four-wheel drive. come on, terry--terry? oh no, he really likes to drink. he told me. maybe we oughta call the police. stop it, stop it, stop it! help! police! you creeps! hit him! wow--you're just like the lone ranger. i don't believe it! you practically get killed trying to get your car back, then you let him have it. what? well, where is your car? you don't--no car at all. what about your jeep? no car. well, how am i going to get home? you know, i had a pretty good time tonight. no, no, really. i really had a good time. i mean, you picked me up and we got some hard stuff and saw a hold-up, and then we went to the canal, you got your car stolen, and then i got to watch you gettin' sick, and then you got in this really bitchin' fight. i really had a good time. anyway if you're not doing anything tomorrow night, why don't you come over? really? why that's almost a motorcycle. and i just love motorcycles. i got to go. goodnight.