whadaya doin', creep? no, i'm talking to the other fifty creeps here. you know gil gonzales? don't know gil. you oughta. you really should. no reason. he's a friend of ours. and that's his car you're sitting on. hey, where ya goin? ya must be going someplace--i mean ya left here. bring him over here, ants, i want to show him something. here--bend down, look here. see that? right across there--see? you scratched it, man. where do you get off sitting on gil's car, huh, man? it ain't the size that's in question here. it's the principle. jeez, this is tough. what should we do with ya? toby juarez. yeah, sure we know toby. sure, good old toby. he's a friend of yours. that's cool. we all hate his guts. we killed him last night. this is going to take some thinking. you better come with us maybe. go riding with the pharoahs. i know just how ya feel. no, he don't. i seen the station right outside of town. he who smelt it, dealt it. hey, creep, scoot down. sitting up like that, it wrecks the lines of the car, you know what i mean? there's that badass chevy again. look at he snatch he's got with him. i hate it. we're outta gas. no. but we're outta money, too. come on, carl. all right, men. hey, we're all done out here. it was nice to meet yuh. yeah, you just might make it as a pharoah yet, boy. yeah, i seen her, what about it? she's outta your price range, man. my brother's been with her and he clued me in. yeah, thirty dollar sheri. can you believe that? thirty dollars. where? where? it's dishonest. we oughta do something. i got an idea. i got a good idea. listen, ah--carl, i-- curt. despite you scratching gil's car, i like you. and i know what you'd like more than anything right now. like every guy in town, you got the same secret dream, right? ya want to join the pharoahs. huh? you can admit it--you'd like to--but you never dreamed it could be possible, did you? well, tonight, i'm goin' to give you your chance. get down! okay. now you got it? i'm stayin' here. you're on your own. shhh. listen. look at it this way: now you got three choices. one, you chicken out. in that case, i let ants tie you to the car and drag you around a little bit. and you don't want that, right? two, you foul up and holstein hears you and well, ah. you don't want that, right? three, you are successful and you join the pharoahs with a carcoat, and the blood initiation and all that, huh? hey, you sure you got enough slack? oh mother, it's been a glorious night. oh boy, i'll tell you something, that car must've jumped five feet in the air! you sure you got to go? the night's young. i think she was an optical delusion, man. psychology-wise it ain't good to dwell on it. you'll alter your ego or something. anyway, catch ya tomorrow night? guess so? man, we don't admit a lot of guys to the pharoahs. you understand we're going to have to swipe your jacket and all--you gotta make up your mind. sure--listen, remember, rome wasn't buried in a night.