um, how you thought high school romances were goofy and we started going together just because you thought i was kinda cute and funny, but then you suddenly realized you were in love with me, it was serious. and ah. oh, you were leadin' up to somethin' kinda big. "consider ourselves adults". you mean dating other people? i think you're right. i mean, we're not kids anymore, and it's silly to think that when we're three thousand miles apart we shouldn't be able to see other people and go out. i know. i just sort of think it's juvenile now. i'll keep it at home. it's less conspicuous there. i didn't say that. i understand and i'm not upset. i mean, i can't expect you to be a monk or something while you're away. nothing. we're not going to spend the night chasing girls for you. i don't want to go out with anybody else. i just wish i could go with him or something. come on what? no thanks. who's stopping you? how sentimental. you'll be back at christmas. get your cooties off me-- go ahead, slug me, scar my face. i wouldn't dance with you if you were the last guy left in this gym. i'll dance with you, eddie. you don't mind, do you, peggy? i don't care if you leave this second. oh god, come on. oh, steven--please, everybody's watching. smile or something. you think i care if you go off. you think i'm going to crack up or something. are you conceited! you take me out? when we first met you didn't have enough sense to take the garbage out. i asked you out, remember? backwards day--remember? if i had waited for you to ask me--even after that you didn't call me for two weeks. you were scared. dave oboler told me. then when you did ask me out you didn't kiss me for three dates. scared--jim kaylor told me. i even asked my father why you hadn't kissed me. he said he thought you were bright and you'd probably think of kissing me after a while. you didn't, of course. i had to. remember that picnic? oh boy! you can't remember anything-- the first one, up at the lake. that was the first time you kissed me--i practically had to throw myself at you. go to hell. what for? yeah, hard tough. you know, it doesn't make sense to leave home to look for a home, to give up a life to find a new life, to say goodbye to friends you love just to find new friends. that's what curt said. that's not true. i didn't say anything. curt just said at dinner tonight he realized there was no big hurry. he thought he should take it easy for a while, go to j.c. and try to figure out what he wants to do with his life. you think so? i'm not going to the airport tomorrow. steve! don't. we've been through this before. no. well go ahead, you want to. if you're not going to remember me for anything else, why don't you go ahead? you're disgusting! get out of my car! i told you never-- get out! it's not worth it. i don't care if you're leaving--now get out! just don't say anything and we'll get along fine. you just follow this street straight out of town. listen, if you're gonna race john milner, you can let me out right when we get there. mind your own business, john. i said i didn't--you lousy greasy jerk! you coulda killed me--what's wrong with you. you clubfoot. no, no, no. please, don't come near me. no, please. i think i'm gonna be sick. oh, steven. oh, steven! oh, steven, please, don't leave me. don't leave me, steven. i couldn't bear it. please. 'bye 'bye, curt.