the endless chrome-flashing parade continues. among the lines of fine cars, terry is parked in the '58 chevy next to an order speaker on a metal pole. terry leans out the car window and orders into the intercom. john cruises around the lot until he finds a space among the rows of dazzling cars. he pulls in and leans out to hit the intercom button. steve sits in the almost empty cafe section of burger city. he stirs a coffee and mulls over the night's events in his mind. a door opens and budda macrae comes in. she watches him a moment, then takes off her little bell boy cap and gets a cup of coffee for herself. the drive-in remains a raucous roar: cars coming in from the hop, from the movies, other cars going out to the canal or back out to cruise. only the car hops, who have developed a late-hour, harried look, suggest it's nearly closing time. the drive-in is emptying out finally as the midnight hour approaches and passes. the die-hards and the hard-ups are still wheeling through mel's looking for remains of any action. john is working under the hood of the deuce coupe when falfa's chevy drives into the parking lot. the radio is now blasting "heart and soul." terry moves over toward john's car. john doesn't look up, although he is quite aware of falfa's entrance.