hey, whadaya say? curt? last night in town, you guys gonna have a little bash before you leave? whadaya got, whadaya got? wow--two thousand dollars. two thousand doll-- !! i'll take it. and i have a really sharp record collection. i even have "pledging my love" by johnny ace. anyway, how can you love nelson when he's going out with marilyn gator. since he dumped on you maybe we could-- she's a little conceited--just playing hard to get. any time, buddy. i'm your man. nothing i like better than chewing the rug with a pal. you talk, i'll listen. i'm all ears. shoot. sure. i can't. believe. it. i don't know what to say. i'll. love and protect this car until death do us part. this is a superfine machine. this may even be better than daryl starbird's superfleck moonbird. it is better than daryl starbird's. budda, how would you like to go to the drive-in movies with me? would i kid you about a thing like that? i want you to know that something has happened to me tonight that is going to change everything. i've got a new. car!! all right, who's the wise-- oh, john--verrry funny. hey, curt, let's bomb around, i wanna try out my new wheels! yeah, tonight things are going to be different. we're gonna remember all of the good times, is what we're gonna do. jesus, milner, you're in a great mood tonight. what you got in there, kid? well, goddamnit, i won't report you this time, but next time just watch it, will ya? you mean john milner? hey, nobody can beat him, man. he's got the fastest-- right. what a babe. what a bitchin' babe. and wolfman baby, she's all mine. okay, honey, here i come--james dean lives! stay cool, honey--don't let those creeps bug you. wolfman, please don't let those creeps bug her. please. hi! hello. buenos noches? need a lift? nice night for a walk? do you know john milner? curt henderson? sure you wouldn't like a ride somewhere? did anyone ever tell you that you look just like connie stevens? you do! i mean it! just like connie stevens. i met her once. yeah. at a dick clark road show. no shit--excuse me, i mean i'm not just feeding you a line. you look like connie stevens. what's your name? oh yeah--well, you look a lot like her too. yeah. i'm terry the--they call me terry the tiger. what school do you go to? oh yeah, it's got a 327 chevy mill with six strombergs. you do? well, come on in--i'll let you feel it. i mean, you can touch it if you want-- i mean the upholstery, you know. what? i go to dewey too, ya know. i bug out a lot. when i graduate, i'm going to join the marines. with the bomb, who's going to start it? we'd all blow up together. anyway, i'd rather be at the front. i'm like that--rather be where the action is, you know. once i got in a fight with-- eddie burns--oh, yeah, eddie burns. i met him once, too. yeah, beatniks are losers. ah hell--i like most of the people you like. sure. a double chubby chuck, a mexicali chili barb, two orders of french fries-- now wait a minute. what? huh? yeah, right. cool. hey, now-- i mean, hey now, buddy, the lady obviously doesn't-- ah, no thanks, i'm waiting for a double chubby--chuck. you seem to, ah--know a lot of weird guys. i am? you really think i'm intelligent? brew? brew. oh--yeah. oh, sure. yes! liquor! this place is too crowded anyway. no. hey, but no sweat. what'll it be? beer, little wine? old harper, rrright! he gives her an ok sign with his fingers and goes over to the store. he starts to enter, then stops and thinks. he sees a man in a business suit approaching, and smiles. excuse me, sir, while you're in there-- i mean, since you're going in anyway, i wonder if-- could you--sir--could you give me the time? great. quarter to twelve. thanks a lot. pardon me, sir, but i lost my i.d. in--in a flood and i'd like to get some old harper, hard stuff. would you mind buying a bottle for me? thanks, here's enough for a pint. hi. still quarter to twelve. night. hey, no. not wine. ssss--hey! hi there--ah, say--was there an old man in here a minute ago? yeah--ah--let me have a three musketeers, ah, and a ball point pen ther, a comp, a pint of old harper, couple of flashlight batteries and some of this beef jerky. a what? oh, sure-- oh nuts, i left it--i left it in the car. well, i can't. i also ah, forgot the car. ah, well, i needed some things and i thought as long as i was in there-- look, debbie, can you loan me a dollar? yeah, well, see--i've only got a fifty and he doesn't have change. hi--excuse me. i was wondering--could you, ah-- gee, that's terrific. ah, just some ah--old harper. tootie fruiti all ruti. it's super cola! it's a. a little. strong, i think. yeaah, i guess it wasn't mixed. oh yeah? i used to have a couple of horses myself. i used them for hunting. i do a lot of hunting. deer mostly, although i got a couple of bear last year. yep, they were good ponies--hunting ponies. i had to train 'em special, you know. no, i had to sell 'em. to get these wheels. and a jeep. i also have a jeep pick-up, with four-wheel drive. it's got a gun rack. and i use that for hunting mostly. oh, well, yeah, i figure with bears, though, it's either me or them. you know, i think you're really neat. oh, jeez, i'm sorry. i don't know what got into me--i didn't mean to-- maybe it's the booze or something. i'm sorry. ow--my leg, my leg. ow, watch it! geez, it's like grand central station around here. why don't we go someplace else. wait a minute. i got a blanket in the back. why don't we go over into the field? i thought i heard something. wait a minute! the radio is gone. that means--the car is gone! oh no!!! oh no!!! oh god--i'm sorry. but, why the car? you could have struck us with lightning or something--anything--- but not the car! let's talk about something else. who do you think'll take the regionals this-- wait a second. did you hear? no! i mean, no. listen, i'll go for help, you stay here. i don't want to see the whole thing. especially if it's us he--oh, why me? i'm going to look lousy with your legs and a goat's head and-- well, as long as he's not--debbie! debbie! who, me? why me? steve! where'd you go, anyway? well, don't go off again. come on, let's get out of here. um, oh, did i introduce you? this is debbie. debbie, this is steve. um. i'ts in the garage. i put it in the garage for safe keeping. i mean. i don't want to take any chances with it. gee, ah, where's laurie, anyway? you broke up? bull! yeah. yeah. laurie's probably over there. well. no. no, thanks. u'mm. you know we got to report the car missing. yeah. see yuh. burger city? burger city!!? how can you think of hamburgers when somebody stole my car. what? what are you talking about? ohh rats, i feel like-- wait a second. hey! it's--oh my god--it looks like steve's car. look, right here under our-- it's my car. my car. we found it. look! never get here in time. i got a better idea. we'll just steal it back. see if you can find some wire around. we only need a foot to hot-wire it. okay? ah, hi--this is my car. what i mean is, somebody stole my car--i mean i lost my car and i want to thank you two guys for-- --for returning--i mean finding it. i mean, listen now, listen guys-- i've been sick recently, and this kind of activity can really be hard on a guy. now, easy will you? easy! go, john! yeah. i'll die soon and it'll all be over. you're talking to the woman i love. help. i mean, i want two cherry cokes with lots of ice. never mind, forget the cokes, just bring the ice, pronto. what?? what's going on? it's not my car. what? it is not my car! i don't have a car! no. steve took it. oh come on, you're just-- you think so? yeah--well i guess i have pretty much fun every night. yeah--well, i might be busy, you know. but we could--well, i got a little vespa i just play around with. ow. see ya. hey, john, let me go with you. come on. ah, come on. just let me go. so i can watch. or, i'll flag you, okay? everybody ready? jeez, did you show him! he'll probably never even get in a car again. it was beautiful, john. just beauti-- what? what? you're crazy. no, you creamed him, from right off the line. the guy never had a chance. john, i don't know what you're talking about. it was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. that guy, he might as well get a wheelchair and roll himself home. man, you got. you got the bitchinist car in the valley. you'll always be number one, john. you're the greatest. right. jesus, what a night. well, stay cool, man. ah--don't do anything i wouldn't do.