awwrigght, baay-haay-baay! i got a oldie for ya--gonna knock ya right on de flowa--baay-haay-hee-baay! oh, we're gonna rock and roll ourselves to death baby. you got the wolfman jack show! who is this? you callin' from little rock, california? my, my, my. listen, man, what kind of entertainment you got in that town? here we go with another call out of the station. can you dig it? answer the phone, dummy. ah, yeah, listen, you got any more of those secret agent spy-scopes? no. no, the secret agent spy-scope, man. that pulls in the moon, the sky and the planets. and the satellites and the little bitty space men. 'bye. a wolfman exclusive for ya now. the beach boys, baby, a brand new group. i predict they gonna go a long way. this is called "surfin' safari." who's this? hold on a minute, let me get my pants off. you understand? i got 'em down around my knees, man. wear these tight pants. i can't get 'em. all right, i'm gonna do my little dance now, man. went to a dance lookin' for romance. found barbara ann. baby. hey, this one is for all you out there watchin' the submarine races. sneakin' around with the wolfman, baby. oh, this is gonna strike a raw nerve, mama. here's the platters. who is this on the wolfman telephone? pardon me. your name is colette? your name is colette call? are you french, operator? i. i love you, operator. is floyd there? floyd, i love you, floyd. is this you, floyd? i cannot look on thee, love took my hand. and smiling did reply, who made the eyes but i. floyd, reach out and touch my soul. you mean floyd? hello, is this floyd? no, it ain't honey--bye! hello. how old are you? i'm only fourteen. oh, now we gonna do the weather for all the valleys and the mountain tops. gonna be hot. about 200 degrees in merced, 400 degrees out in fresno, and i know we're gonna have about 500 degrees up around the valley somewhere. you got the wolfman jack show. oh, here we go baby! here's "come go with me." oh, i can't believe it. feels so good 'cause you're sweet sixteen. my, my, my. you only got five minutes left, if you want to talk to the wolfman. gonna make all your dreams come true, baby. yeah. are you separated? i'll bring you right together. hold on a minute, man. hi ya, hi ya, hi, hi, hi. everything's gonna be all right now, man, you understand? now, let me play the record for you. i haven't cried so much. and the tears and everything, man. i leaned down towards the microphone and i almost shorted myself out. who is this on the wolfman telephone? it's a shame, baby. i'll tell yuh. got to take it easy when you're drivin' that car of yours. you got to cruise easy, baby. don't be doin' any accidents or anything on me. who is this on the wolfman's telephone? how're you doin', diane? do you love me? say you love me, diane. i got a dedication here that's for a friend of the wolfman--a special friend of the wolfman who's leaving town tomorrow and wants me to play the next song for a blonde young lady in a thunderbird. a white t- bird, you understand? now my friend's named curt and he wants to talk to you out there, baby. so you meet him at burger city, or phone diamond 3132. now he's a friend of mine, you hear, and, little girl, you better call him, or the wolfman gonna get you. little kiss on your ear. good night, sweetheart. i'll see you later.