you got a big fucking mouth, fat kid. it's all you, der! use that fat ass and keep him out, seth! hey. are you copacetic? he's gonna do that 180 spin move. he might have a gun. you know i got the cops on me. if i come up on one of those cameras i'm a dead man. somebody needs to drive, derek. he won't do anything'drastic i hope. i thought you already turned that fucker in? oh man. fucking sweeney. sweeney's got an agenda, danny. and it's all a load of crap. you hear me? he's all about brainwashing. don't get fucking fooled by it. hey. i was wondering when he was going to show his face. he'll be all right, derek. you go with. you made it, man. when i heard they threw you in general population i thought it was curtains. so what's all this self-righteous, born-again shit i'm hearing then? have a seat, derek. relax. how was it in there with all those fuckin' monkeys, man? you're lucky they didn't kill you. who runs the place? the monkeys or the wetbacks? it's a fuckin' vacation for them in there, hunh? they're fuckin' peasants, derek. all of them. so what's up, man? i'm hearing a lot of shit about you. fuckin' talk to me then. we're family here. let's work it out whatever it is. i had to distance myself from you after that. i don't pray on fucking anyone. you and danny are like brothers to me, derek. come on, man. fuck you, derek! fuck you! don't think you can threaten me with this shit for a fuckin' second! i'm more important to him now then you ever were. i'm gonna fuckin' kill you. really? so you've had what? thirty years to get your shit together? there are plenty of fuckin' dishwashing jobs out there, vietnam boy. go get yourself one. you're a disgrace to the white race. if adolf hitler was alive. god bless his soul. he would have you shot. noooo. fuck you. i think i need to go to the hospital. i don't know. i think so. who gives a fuck? well. we might be pussies too if we got treated the way he did. stevie mccormick called. old school venice bro. he's at chino. doin' life. he hated derek. said he was a fucking blow-up doll in there. oh christ. you gotta be kidding me? is there anything sacred in this country anymore? jesus christ. hey. stop feeding your face for a second and look behind you. can we help you with something? do you have any questions about the menu? i recommend either the "big ben burger" or the "chicken taco special." ben'll replace the dark meat with the white meat if you ask nicely. i ain't your fucking pal first of all. secondly. i don't have problems. people who luck with me have problems. hey! what a great idea! you got a clever little whatever it is there. i'd listen to it if i were you. what the luck difference does it make where we come from, bitch? i'm from a place called america. a place that used to be a nice place to live before it became fuckin' africa-america. everything's hunky dory, ben! no problemo. only us white folk. it wouldn't irritate me so much if the ratio was a little more even. ebony and ivory back there! almost all of those orange kid relationships are black man and white women and i'm fucking sick of seein' it! i wouldn't mind so much if it were more even. i used to think that too but. it's gotta be more, man. it has to be more than the fact they they carry a big load. chicks aren't that shallow, are they? it's politically correct. that's what it is. white women. bein' seen with the coloreds. it's great for their image. bitches today want to be known as bein' fuckin' color blind. and you can't really blame tyrone. well. how'd you like to drag around some fat fly girl? i wouldn't.