holy shit. there's a black guy outside der. breaking into your car. not long. one. i think. hunh? i'm not sure. hey lizzy. oh, man! come on. get a job. i knew it was you. what's what going to be? well. i don't know. yeah. okay. fine. yeah. come on, man! i followed directions and wrote an "a" paper. it's got nothing to do with derek. let us get on with our lives, man! do it. what? you don't think i could handle it? it took me a week to read mein kampf. come on, sweeney. what am i doing it on then? it's eight-six, seth. you gotta call offense on that shit. holy shit! yeah! fuck. yeah! hey. where? there's dick for waves. i've been trying to buy this. you can't find it anywhere. fuck that. i just read mein kampf. henry hastings almost kicked daryl dawson's ass. he would're too if-- everyday there's something over there, man. i hear you. zionist-occupational-government. oh man--! come on! what are you crying about now? are you feeling better at all? i'm still trying to figure it out. fuck off. when'd you start carryin'? jesus! chew your food, dude! you got pigs outside. {to the tv) what about oj, bitch!? goin' to cam's party tonight? i'm there tonight. noo. but he's got two kegs. is cam playing sticks? i got homework, seth. fuck off. about adolf? i believe in filth and destruction and chaos and death and greed. i believe in my family. "respect your father and your mother. whoever curses your mother and father. is to be put to death." matthew 15-4. you mean that stuff about your mother? no. yeah, man. i believe in adolf. i hate everyone that isn't white protestant. because they're a burden to the advancement of the white race. some of them are all right-- i don't know. i feel threatened by them. i hate the fact that it's cool to be black these days. i hate this hip hop influence on white fuckin' suburbia. i hate hilary clinton and all of her zionist mtv pigs telling us we should get along. save the rhetorical bullshit honey, it ain't gonna happen. what's it to you? i mean. how'd you find out? no. i did it cause i felt like it. uhhh. yeah. was that him on the phone? are you gonna to live or what, mom? you got any more? i'm goin' in a second. relax. no he's not. whatever, dude. i'm gonna go power that shit and i'll see you later. come on, der! it's gonna be fuckin'-- this sucks. hey. come here. come here for a second! just read it. asshole turned me in. just read. the night derek wasted those guys. yep. nooo. it'll be good for you. come on! dick nixon's playin' at cammeron's tonight. you owe me. goddammit! asshole sweeney. davina? i believe you, der. here. i've got this thing to do. don't breathe on me. it's cold in here, no wonder your sick. what? no. you're not. nope. never. get some sleep. i'll be all right. let the cops handle it, der! derek!? the cops are comin' der' holy fucking shit! derek! what the hell was that for?! jesus! i told you i can't tonight. it's okay, mom. if i don't finish this thing i'm dead. she did? hello? yeah? what's going on? everything's fine. i'm doing it right now. it's sweeney. you fuckers are going to get me booted! dr. sweeney? i'm sorry, man. it'll be there, alright!? let's go. take it easy, dude! what're you doin'?! i gotta do that paper though. my teacher cried to sweeney, man. have to do another one. i had to check it out, der. come on. i like you, too. seth, man!? come on! fucking asshole! what are you thinking!? friends don't fight friends, der! they stick together! what the hell are they then?! i don't wanna relax! you looked like an idiot back there! what's happened to you, derek? don't we have to have "affirmative action?" coach's sick. sure. i'm printing it up and we're out of here. maple bar and a. large milk. how? yeah. i gotta turn that paper in. what? jesus christ. what are you doing, henry? come on, man, no. you don't want to do this. come on. henry?