mom!!!! what do you want!? jesus! are you sure you can fit through the door? back in his bedroom. he's on the phone, asshole! hurry up and leave, goodyear. you've taken your dump now go. yes! i am! you're not even human. hey seth? cut the shit. they feel threatened by you! i feel.sorry for you, danny. you shut up, you poison to fuckin' society! get out of our house! derek hates you, seth. what do you mean? you're a pig. he ' s a fuckin ' loser, nazi scumbag. what else is new? hey what? what!? i got shit to do, dan. "american history x? take home paper as assigned by principal robert sweeney?" why is he giving you homework? what happened to murray? why? "describe in detail your opinion of -the historical event that took place in the early morning of october 4th, 1993." what's that? sweeney gave you this? "before and after. how has this event helped or hurt your present perspective concerning life in contemporary america. use the standard five paragraph format, blab blab blah--this'll be good for you. eat me, dan. i'm not doing your homework for you! i gotta spreadsheet due! what's the matter with you? you wanna be a fuckin' loser your whole life? don't you know, murray? white people never break the law. we're perfect little angels. look who's talking about respecting the law? mr. k.k.k. here. here we go. gates. may i be excused please? i didn't interrupt shit. who the hell do you think you are? fuck. you. i hate you, you fucking asshole! take this, you fucking dick! fuck you! let go! let go of me! i don't believe you anymore. that fuckin' sucked, derek. you couldn't tell. what? i'm coming right now! jesus! good morning. thanks come on, dad. that sucks, man. hey der? do you have excel on disk?