okay! let's go, davina! derek! good morning. jesus doris. it's not that big of a deal. all departments have to take a precaution class on gang patrol today. a guy was shot yesterday in inglewood. changin' a valve on a hydrant. lapd is worried that more firefighters will become targets. that's what this bullshit is about. a good father this guy was though and now he's in intensive care because of some goddamn--! they've pretty much declared war on lapd and us. they think we would rather let a building burn down over there than fight it. so now we got two fights goin' on at one goddamn time. dayins! get in here! i'll tell you one more thing. this "affirmative blaction" shit is driving me up the fucking wall. firefighters gettin' 99's on their tests while rappers who score a goddamn 62 walk away with the job. not when a job requires ability. no. a lot of people don't know shit, either. if i'm fightin' a brush fire. surrounded by thousand degree flames. who would i want watchin' my back? a guy who scores a 99 or a guy who scores a sixty? you don't see half the nba with whites, gooks and spics. doris! i'm tired of your damn argument! you sound like an idiot! really? i didn't know you spoke "african", derek? where'd you learn that shit? johannesberg? how am i speaking, doris!? hunh?! i'm speakin' finep hey. don't let that him confuse you over there, derek. look at me. this shit he's pulling is a load of crap. hey. look at me, derek. i mean it. if we keep givin' niggers everything, there'll be nothing left for us. and then we have naive fools like her. you know what i mean though, right? well. good morning, miss monroe! look at you. you look like a star. you did like it. yeah. well you're lucky i'm letting you wear that crap on your eyes. i love you but you're too young. it totally sucks. and we all sympathize with you, too. you got practice today? you wanna go to der's game with me? (quickly to derek} santa monica high tonight, right? perfect. ben'll whip us up a couple of double deckers and we'll head over.