how long has he been out there? nobody. relax. not right now, honey. how many? is he strapped? does he have a fucking gun, dan? is there a driver? okay. stay the luck here. fuck you! how do i feel? how do you think i feel? it's typical. well. look at our country. it's a haven for criminals. black. brown. yellow. whatever. every problem in this country is "race" related. every problem, not just crime. these problems are rooted in the black community, the hispanic community, the asian. every non- protestant group in our society. look at the shit. immigration. welfare. aids. they're all the problems of the non-white. look at the statistics. no no no! don't say poverty right now cause that's not it. they're not a product of our fucking environment either! minorities don't give two shits about this country! they're here to exploit. not embrace. millions of white europeans came to this country and flourished within a generation! a generation! so what the fuck is wrong with these people?! because my father was doing his fucking job! saving a nigger neighborhood he didn't give two shits about! and he got killed by some drug dealer who still collects a fucking welfare check. you can't take a shit, seth. shut up. i got a bet. i come in, same score now, first one to eleven. black boys against the white boys. no money. for the court. we win, you grab your shit and find a different place to run. not just today. forever. you win, and we don't come back. no hitching, no fighting, here in front of everyone. six-eight, our ball. i'll go if you want to. if you wanna go. i'm ready. don't be throwin' fuckin' elbows. i know what he's gonna do. not on point game you don't. not on point, honey. tens! it's gonna be fine. i got it. unhuh. unhuh. did you expel him? i'll be out in a minute! all right. thanks. i'll take care of it. yeah. okay. okay. i'm what? what channel? what is it, danny? i know. how do you know who i hate, davina? gimme just one second, okay? did you do a book report on mein kampf? what's it to me? none of your fucking business how i found out. that figures. you're more stupid than he is. why'd you do it, dan? because of seth. cammeron? oh, you do everything you feel like? i feel like smacking you in the fucking head. would you mind if i did a report on that? get a clue, you dumbshit. hey! look at me! don't be a dickhead. sweeney cares about you. yep. so wise up. you hear me? you'll be okay. you want me to pick you up any more medicine? jesus. i can't believe i ever let it get this bad. my ass. you smoke two packs a day. that's why you're spittin' phlegm. i knew. yes he is. open your eyes. not at cammeron's you won't see me. forget it, danny! it ain't gonna happen for you tonight. i'll see ya. i will. are you going in or not? all right. you can turn it off now. you're right on his tail, right? just be ready, okay? come on. let's pull it together. hey! we're not playing fuckin' games here. let's go. what the fuck, curtis? you a fuckin' nigger now? want some crack? pull your fucking stupid head out of your ass then. we're here tonight cause we got immigration problems spiralling out of control. we got asians up the ass. taking over our land with their fucking yen. mexicans. flocking into this place like some giant fucking pinata was shattered. don't laugh. it's tragic. on the statue of liberty it says "give me your tired, your hungry, your poor, your huddled masses. yearning to be free." it does not say give me your shiftless, your greedy, your indolent, your criminals, looking for a free ticket. we're here tonight to show the government how we feel about minorities taking over our country. the treat us like criminals while they reward them with jobs and fucking welfare checks. and it's only getting worse. are you ready to do something about it? okay then. remember. no names. danny? stay right on my fucking ass, man. can't hide from me, motherfucker! let's go! we're outta here! move ! fuck you, murray. white men don't cruise the streets of la killing each other. you're so fucking lame. a couple of cranks in cabins in montana is not statistically significant. white americans don't take pcp and drink and drive a hundred and twenty fuckin' miles an hour! we pull over and trust the law. that's not what i said, davina. three different times rodney king comes at those officers with the intent to hurt them. to hurt them! three times! but since we see it on some fucking tampered videotape. the bleeding heart media makes you believe that he only comes at them once. all we see is powell, koon and wind hittin' him and-- briseno kickin' him in the back of the fuckin' skull with his boot. still, the dumbfuck's tryin' to get up and kick their asses! that's how stupid that motherfucker is. those cops used textbook-solid tactics and if dad were still here he'd say the same damn thing. yes it does. yes it does. they're cops! they are taught to use that stick and they did. no. appropriately. appropriately! cops have been granted a certain amount of authority by society and white people, unfortunately, are the only ones who acknowledge it. i acknowledge a cop's authority. that's two errors in one sentence, davina, so take a fucking course in semantics. first error--i didn't say i respect the law. i said i respect a cop's authority. second error. i'm not a member of the fuckin' low rent, disorganized, redneck ku klux klan. pull your head outta your ass and look at who you're dealing with. murray, stay out of it. you're not a member of this family and you never will be. give thanks to the food on the table and then believe it, doris. true enough. the point is. if dan was walking across the street that night and rodney king plowed into him-- --while hopped up on chivas and p.c.p. you'd consider the force those cops used to be justified! if he did though! if that shithead killed dan. you would have believed the beating to be justified and so would everybody else. but since he didn't hit anyone. it's "hands across america" for the son of a bitch. we are still so hung up in this notion that we have an obligation to help the struggling black man and all you contribute to it! lincoln freed the slaves a hundred and thirty years ago! get off your fucking asses! don't interrupt, davina. the hell you didn't. i was listening to stacey and then i heard you. that's called interrupting. wait 'til she's finished and you can be excused. you don't know when to shut up. i'm trying to teach my sister some respect, murray. see! see the way she speaks! tell me you're gonna shut up and i'll let go. i will when i hear an answer, doris. are you going to shut up, davina? what are you thinkin'? it's a real easy question, davina. a simple yes or no will suffice. tell me what i want to hear and i'll let go. stay back, both of you! it's her bed, she's gotta lie in it. you can cry all you want, davina. i'm not gonna let go until you tell me what i wanna hear! are you going to shut that fat fucking mouth of your's and let my girlfriend tell her opinion? are you?! you okay? would you care to repeat that, murray? i'm not sure i got all of it. was that it? thanks murray. or what, murray!? what're you gonna do? give her fucking detention? out of respect for my mother. i'm gonna let that comment go, murray. i won't bash your face in. but let me tell you somethin'. man to fuckin' mouse here. normally in a situation like this i'd take my steel-tips to your fucking jewish temple. that goes for anyone making comments about me, my family, stacey, whomever. you know and i know that i could crush that puny fuckin' skull of yours in a second. so it's beyond me why you would say something like that without being able to back it up? what's worse, you sack of shit, is you calling the woman i love a liar. weasel like that again murray. you fuckin' ponytail, pussy, bagel eating, teacher, faggot. and i'll cut your shylock nose off. make no mistake. davina! it's okay! calm down. please. i'm sorry, davina. come on. come on, davina. i'm sorry. i lost control. please. i screwed up. you guys are my life and i'd do anything for you. you do know that? i swear to god i would, davina. please. davina? please forgive me. please. i'm sorry. i know it did. and i'm sorry. i just really hate that guy. morn, i'm sorry but that guy's-- you fucked with the wrong bull. fuck that. the cops will let him walk. ever shoot at firemen, you fuck? open your mouth and put it on the corner of the curb. i'm gonna teach you a little lesson. get in the fucking house, dan! my dad gave me that truck, motherfucker. couldn't leave well enough alone. put your mouth on the corner of the fucking curb! what the fuck did you say? you just threaten me? hunh? hunh? hunh? i'm not asking you. sweeney's not gonna do anything, seth. he helped get me released. i'm out, seth. i'm only going to tell you this once so pay attention. i'm done, seth. i don't want you to come near me. near dan. i want you to leave my family alone. i'm dead fucking serious. no more phone calls, no more visits, no more nothing. we don't exist as far as you're concerned, seth. believe it, seth. believe it. i spent over three years away from my family. my family, seth. for what? what the--? shit. your brother's a piece of shit! do me a favor. grab danny and get outta here! you what!? you don't have any homework?! sorry. cassandra. the only person i've seen is seth. what the hell are you doing here, dan? what did i tell you, dan? there's a redhead out there looking for you. go talk to her. it wasn't too bad. i agree. the mexicans. they were really organized. i'll tell ya. it was impressive. they-- be careful with me, cam. you don't know what's going on with me. i'm family, cam? is that why you came to see me all the time up there? fuck you, cameron. you're a fucking chicken hawk. praying on kids. no. you fucking use them. to filter your insanity. he's not your brother, cameron. all right? he's my brother. you hear me, cam? you gonna listen?! shut the fuck up! you're gonna stay away! that's what you're gonna do! it's over. what?! i haven't seen him. stay away from me. i'm serious, stacey! stay away! i don't care. let him go, seth. come with me right now. what the luck are you thinking!? they're not friends, dan! just sit there and relax for a second. his boy? no, i don't think so, man. i'm not anybody's boy. nooo, i don't know what you mean. nooo. how about you getting that fucking shit awax from me? excuse me? do i have a problem? no, i don't have a problem. do you have a problem? who the fuck are you? and you don't!? shut up. i'm right here, man. you wanna have it out with me, let's go. just me and you though. stupid?! you have anything else to say, you little pussy! hunh?! they killed my father, sweeney. get me outta here, sweeney. all right. how are you? i'm not going to do anything. hey mom. how are the others? what about dan, mom? how's he? you're my best friend, danny. you're my only friend. and i just want what's best for you. pretty shitty assignment you got. oh yeah? what the hell do you know- about my father? hey. wake up. time for bed. goodnight, mom. good morning. what for? sweeney actually had a pretty good take on affirmative action the other day. i like that color, davina. yep. did you "save" it? hurry up. i gotta see my parole officer. i've got everything on disk. we're getting out of here soon. is that okay with you? yes. you think you'll be able to forgive me? someday maybe? look at me. i'm such a pussy. what do you want? you look pretty. how do i look? what's your name? how old are you, tisha? what's goin' on? how'd you find out i was here? how bad? fuckin' a. i can't, sweeney. hey. keep your head up, alright? i'm going to take care of this. i don't know. i'll figure it out though. you gonna be okay? hey. come here. i'll see you at home. nope. i can't. how the luck do you know what i'm thinkin', sweeney!? they shot him in a fucking. pisshole! it stops now, sweeney.