i do not have a problem with him as an individual, alright!? this paper is a travesty, bob! arguing for hitler as a civil rights hero?! you've gotta draw a line. oh come on, bob! his brother probably put him up to it. don't let him walk scot-free here. for his sake. not mine. you might be all he has left. thanks, bob. no. you guys make bombs. you're kidding, right? excessively. don't speak to her that way, derek. what the hell does that have to do with anything? what are you trying to prove, man?! jesus! she can't breathe, derek! psycho. see. here we go again with this, derek. making me out to be the bad guy again. hey goddammit! you talk to me with respect or--! i never said she was a liar. he's not a kid, doris. we were kids. we didn't call people kikes. you don't know your children, doris! you have no clue about the world they live in. your son is a terrorist. he's a member of the disciples of christ. you remember that grocery store incident?! my sister and her two kids got evacuated from her temple in woodland hills! and i wouldn't want to. goodbye.