bring it on, boy.
lucky piece of shit! i'm through "monkeying" around with your ass!
here we go! trying to make ends meet for that cut in welfare.
when i want your fucking opinion i'll ask for it, fuckhead. help me cover here, guys.
i'll take this negro down.
yes! ten a piece! nice fucking dish.
get off my fucking court! this is my house!
open up, bitch!
fuck off. where is he?
where are you, you free motherfucker?
fuck off.
what are you lookin' at?
come in here and i'll show you, maggot.
i'm dropping the kids off at the pool, junior. shut the fuckin' door!
drop the t.v., nigger.
nigger lovin' jew media calling the shots. watch cartoons. it's the only t.v. that's safe nowadays.
come in here, dan.
where the fuck you find that?
is davina's ass water tight?
listen to you. you callin' me a blimp, you fuckin' democrat?!
oh yeah? you ask derek?
well. you can think of me drinkin' 'em then when you're studying with fuckin'.  white trash in there.
where is the fucker, by the way!? he's hiding from us.
of course, man.
sit down. i wanna ask you some questions.
two fucking seconds, dude!
tell me your convictions.
tell me some of the shit you've learned luckbrain or i'll pistol-whip you.
about anything. what do you believe in?
what else?
good. what else? tell me what i want to hear, asshole.
you wanna get beaten?
then tell me about adolf and mein.
i'm not fuckin' talkin' to you, davina, shut up! do you believe in adolf?
what do you hate, danny?
why? and say it with some fucking conviction!
none of them are all right, danny. they're all a bunch of fucking freeloaders. remermber canuneron. "we don't know them, we don't want to know them, they're the fucking enemy." what don't you like about them?
what else, danny? and speak intelligently you little queer faggot.
that's the best shit i've ever heard come out of that mouth.
shut up, davina.
is this any way to treat a guest?
hey! how are you, man? fuckin' a. long time no see. look at that hair.
i thought it was a great idea.
it's nice to see you too, man.
sweeney does? since when?
sweeney's a fuckin' nigger on a power trip, vinyard. that's what he was like when we were there and that's how he is now. it'll never change either. a nigger is a nigger.
jesus, mrs. vinyard. i think a lung just came up.
hey. i'm gonna re-wipe and we're out of here.
hurry up. i'm starving.
wheto's your fucking green card, asshole?
you're an idiot if you ask me.
what if he writes something stupid and that nigger turns you in? jesus. he didn't testify, der. they can use that shit and re-try you.
you're serious.
i can't believe i'm hearing this shit come out of your mouth.
for your country, fuckhole, that's what. i'd do a hundred years before i felt like that.
you're a motherfucking traitor!
i'm not fat, cockwart! i'm husky!
why the fuck did you pump it?! i coulda gone for a minute at least!
where's cameron?
i'd be doing america a great fucking favor, let me tell you.
get a job and buy one why don't you.
fuck you.
where's stacey?
derek's a fuckin' traitor pussy.
what do you mean?
fucking a.
excuse me? tyrone?
whatever. why can't you stick to your own race?
you got a fuckin' death wish, asshole? do you? make your move now if you do. if you don't. get the luck out of my sight. cause i'm real close to shoving my piece up your girlfriend's stinky pussy.
what's that?
huge dicks, cam. that's all it is.
they get off on it.
why the fuck not?
no shit. oh go girlfriend! don't be puttin' up wid dat, girl! oh stop girl!