fucking pervert, dan! who? who's out there, derek? derek? be careful. get down, danny! jesus! fuck that, d. that chucker can't pull that shit. it's fucking- i hope you kill that fucker. i hate that fucking korean. i hope you smash his face in. i'm with you, honey. all the way. it's one. giant. ploy. i mean. nobody likes chief whatever his name is, right? yeah. so here comes this filthy piece of garbage in his hyundai. he pulls over in front of a perfectly lighted area where a video camera is sitting there. fucking waiting for him, man. what happens next? chief gates is dust. it's total-- he called you a "psycho", honey. you callin' me a liar, rosenkike? murray rosenberg. international jew. he can move in with me. tomorrow. get on the floor, danny! jesus! meanwhile, niggers and spics do their reports on malcolm x and fucking fidel castro. welcome back. don't point your fucking finger at me. what are you gonna do?! hunh?! hit me?! kick me as i roll on the fuckin' ground screaming?! that bullshit with cammeron is nothing, derek! goddamn you, derek! those two niggers deserved what they got. they deserved to die! and just like cameron and seth and a million others out there. i'll believe that 'til the day i fucking die. i will. nothing will ever change that either. do it, seth.