captain rasmussen? good morning. derek was more like. the skinhead. he and cameron alexander. there weren't any organized white gangs around venice before those two hooked up. very few, if any. it was mostly just black and mexican. but it was tiny. they hit it off though. and alexander hit the jackpot with derek. i don't wanna be an alarmist. but payback is out there. i know it is. and in this particular case. if vinyard gets popped. more people will get popped. i don't think vinyard's gonna be the one to start anything. it's his following. oh shit murray sure you do. you hate this kid. murray. it says in your syllabus that they could do their report on any book related to the struggle for civil rights. let me finish! he needs help. i'm not disputing that. but i read it and i'm not going to throw him out. i can guarantee you his brother didn't have anything to do with it, murray. okay. get in here, dan! shut up and get your ass in here! what's it gonna be, dan? this petty shit you're pullin'. you said it, all right. sit down. are you okay? any time you wanna talk, dan-- how's derek? adjusting okay? he was a student of mine. honors english. he was a great student. like you. but he hung out with scumbags. also like you. that's why he ended up in the pen, hunh? great writing. i can't correct it though. it wreaks too much of shit. everything you do now has something to do with derek. who told you to do this? hey, i'm not worried about derek--he can take care of himself. i'm worried about his little brother. mein kampf, dan? i should expel you! the street would kill you, danny. you're not tough. the second a brother pulls a gun on your ass you'll be holierin' for doris. so here's the drill. take it or leave it cause i'm sick of babysitting. i'm your history teacher from here on out. we're gonna deal with shit happening right now. call it american history. x. i see your ass once a day. any more, any less, and you're a memory at venice high. clear? my name is dr. sweeney. and i want a another paper on my desk tomorrow. it's not a "what", it's a "who." derek. dan? dr. sweeney. nothing here. is everything all right over there? how's it comin'? just make sure it's on my desk tomorrow, danny. it better be. honor and loyalty run thick, derek. not skin color. skin is thin. i don't get you, man. i don't. i got my doctorate in education. not in medicine. but if you think babies come into this world evil. you're fucked up, derek. you're way to smart to believe that shit. there's nothin' more beautiful derek, nothin' more pure, nothin' more innocent. than a baby. jesus derek. use that brain god gave you for chrissake. what are you gonna do? seek revenge your whole life and become a lifer in here. that's what these guys are like, you wanna be like them? fucking little boys in prison? think, man. none of your guys back home give a shit about you. they only care about your brother. the new blood. and he sure as hell can't take care of himself like you could. we need to talk, derek. we were just at your apartment. are they coming after you? i don't know. you might have to talk to your old crew though. try, derek. okay? okay? before it explodes. and watch your back. you showing up today? good. derek? you gotta let him go, man. they gotta get him outta here. derek! i know what you're thinkin' right now and i want you to forget about it! cause i'm thinkin' the same damn thing! and goin' after them won't bring him back. don't do it, derek. please, man. you've come too far. the war is over.