come here, honey! search me. not yet, mr. clark. yes, sir. yes, sir. takes more than two tons of directors to make trouble for my boss. the ten dollars. yes. no. yes. oh, matt. i haven't heard about it. good morning. i don't know. why, the directors are waiting for you in the board room. hey pat, come here! look! i wonder what he's doing with mr. cluett. how-do-you-do, mrs. dickson. i'm afraid so. no. hardly. all right. yes, sir. say, i just heard the merger isn't going thru. isn't that grand? what's the matter, matt? gee, i thought you'd be thrilled to death. well . . . ? in cluett's office? what's keeping you? say matt, you haven't done anything about what you saw today, have you? oh now, don't be silly. now you've got me worried, dear. shh . . . ! oh, mr. dickson - they're going to arrest matt. they think he did it! in mr. sampson's office. yes, sir. did you say dude finlay? he was in the bank yesterday. he came to see mr. cluett. yes, sir. you want the rest of those numbers, mr. dickson? something's happened. he isn't trying anymore. yes. he called some of the biggest people in town. did you talk to him? good morning. oh!