is that busy husband of mine busy? helen, did you ever try competing with a bank? well, take my word for it, and don't try it. it's useless! if it were some other woman, i could handle her, but after all, you can't scratch a bank's eyes out now, can you? oh, well. i guess the only other thing for me to do is to go out and buy myself a few sticks of dynamite. when he comes out, you tell him i'll be back. he hasn't gotten rid of me! what is the matter with you? you're trembling? me? for a celebrated bounder, that is an awful admission. besides, i never knew that any female could do this to you not bad, not bad at all. do you know something? i've always been curious about your line. whatever it is that makes you such a riot with women. see, we're getting along famously! tonight, oh, never! tonight i have reserved for a very special occasion. believe it or not, it's our wedding anniversary. tom doesn't probably even remember it. but then, they never do, do they? but i'm giving a party for him - a real, old-fashioned surprise party. caps, bells, whistles, and everything. i'm really terribly excited about it. i've been planning it for months. don't be silly, cyril. these are respectable people. they'd probably bore you to death. no. what? cyril! please stop apologizing so much. you're making it far too important. hello, darling. nothing. tom, i thought you were going out with me tonight. yes. now tom, you simply cannot go to philadelphia tonight. that's all there is to it. the theatre? the girls! i don't suppose it ever occurred to you that i might go out and find myself an attractive young man . . . ho, ho, ho, yourself! i wouldn't laugh if i were you. you may not suspect it, but i'm still attractive - to some. well . . . tomorrow night? oh, i don't care, darling. i love you, anyway. no. no, i'm afraid papa isn't that much interested. he's too busy rushing off to philadelphia to make stuffy, old speeches at stuffy, old bankers' meetings. too busy closing big, important deals you know, there ought to be a congressional medal for men like you. america's comfort to misunderstood wives. i never thought i would find myself in that class. what is that, mr. bones? why, matt! but matt, you're mistaken about the whole thing. there isn't anything wrong. mr. cluett and i simply came here i'll go with you. cyril cluett doesn't mean anything to me, tom. i went out with him last night simply because . . . well, i had begun to feel that i didn't have any part in your life. that i was an outsider. tom, all we did was to go to the theatre, and then we went back to his apartment afterward for a drink. that's all it was. i didn't do anything wrong, tom. i couldn't do anything wrong. i love you too much. you know that. it doesn't matter what you think about me, there's something far more important. those people down there. the bank, tom. you can't give that up.