sure i do. he has the best room in me house. the one with the fancy wallpaper. yes, sir. i was having me hot mustard bath. for the rheumatism, you know. it was late, i know. the dooley sisters was already in. they work at a show, you know. huh? now, let me see - a half hour after the dooley sisters - and the dooley sisters never get home until after that's just what i'm trying to tell you, sir. it was a half hour after the dooley sisters . . . no, it wasn't twelve - 'cause the dooley sisters . . . yes, i guess it was one, 'cause . . no. it wasn't earlier because . . . who don't know? listen here, young man - nobody ever called me a liar yet and got away with it for two nickels i'd knock his block off. i never told a lie in me life.