almonds to you! almonds! oh, oh. five ill winds. say, matt! matt! did you hear the news? pardon me. all the big shots are in a huddle, and it looks like dickson's out on his ear. no, i'm not kidding. everybody's talking about it. ask her. sure, everybody's talking about it. well, i just thought i'd drop by and cheer you up a bit. i'll be seeing you, matt - in the breadline. do you see that clock? right there. that's where the bullet hit. when i saw that, you coulda knocked me over with a pin. blood! i was the first one to see it. i was coming down the stairs, and there was the watchman lying dead at my feet. no kidding. when i saw it, you coulda knocked me over with a pin. matt? the detectives got matt up there in sampson's office. yeah. don't look at me. i don't know. you coulda knocked me over with a pin! gee, what do you think? there was that watchman, that poor watchman, lying on the floor right in front of me. oh, you coulda knocked me over with a pin! dead? he was lifeless! you know, i was the first one to see him. i was coming down the stairs, and there was the watchman lying on the floor, right in front of me. dead! i tell you, you coulda knocked yeah, you coulda