here's the data on the clyde deal. i'm afraid he's been stalling. he says he can't get away in the daytime. yes, sir. pardon me, but i'd like to use my office for awhile! i know, i know. i'll get you some. mr. dickson! can i see you for a minute? but this is important, mr. dickson. looks like there's a run on the bank. the lobby's half filled now. they've been coming in steady all morning. i have called for some extra police. we haven't much on hand, you know. if it gets any worse, i hope we don't have to close the doors. yes, sir. look at them, mr. dickson. they're going crazy. yes, sir. yes, sir. but soon as our money runs out, they'll mob the place. what'll we do? we can't keep open till four o'clock. we haven't cash enough to last an hour. mr. dickson! mr. dickson! yes, sir. stall! stall! mr. dickson! come here a minute. look at this. something wonderful has happened. people are bringing deposits. you won't believe it until you see it. you have to come out.