of the inside of a massive vault door, made impressive by the shining, finely cut steel bolts and the many other intricate-looking instruments which adorn it. shooting toward matt, inside the teller's cage, busily counting the money he is getting ready for charlie. shooting down the length of the table. the men are all sitting around the large table. dickson is on his feet. showing the normal activity of the bank in contrast to the turmoil going on inside. just a few people scattered about. of an old lady, pitiful expression, begging alms. two gentlemen are beside her. one of them reaches in his pocket for a coin. a colored bootblack is brushing the coat of a customer. taking in two chairs. the man on the right, being shaved, is in conversation with the barber. as sampson and dickson come into the scene. sampson and dickson. dickson's face clouds. dickson is by matt's side. the inspector is also in scene. dickson puts a hand on matt's shoulder. of gert, the telephone operator. the directors apparently are having a battle of their own. on the elderly lady depositor and bank guard, among the milling crowd. shooting over the teller's shoulder. favoring dickson, but showing cluett and the others. from dickson's angle. as the crowd is leaving the bank. everyone is smiling and happy. as dickson enters, and playfully pushes the hat down over gardiner, the old bank guard's face. the bank guard adjusts his hat, annoyed, then sees it is the president of the bank.