yeah right. yeah but, no offense, you're talking about a post-high school, long- distance relationship, and you and kevin haven't even done it yet. what the hell are you expecting him to drive to vanderbilt for? milk and cookies? vicky, it's not a space shuttle launch, it's sex. so did you do the physics write-up? of course he does. what about you? have you just never had one with kevin -- or have you never had one, period? well that's a no. no wonder you're not psyched about sex. you've never even had one manually? are you kidding? you've never double- clicked your mouse? hell, just a pair of tight pants will set me off. am i right or what, nadia? see? no wonder she never pays attention in class. sure. ah, you'll get her back soon enough. that's easy, she likes you. what you need to do is learn to press a girl's buttons. you gotta give her what she's never had. i'll give you a hint. "ohhh, yeah, yeah!" comprende? you got it, stud. no you haven't. no. do you? do you love her? well, if you want to get her in the sack, tell her you love her. that's how i was duped. well it's up to you. the big l, or the big o. no comment. thanks. it was my idea. are you kidding? no. well. i guess it's okay for me to tell you now. that reputation of his isn't going anywhere. finch comes to me and says, "jessica, i need help with this, blah blah, etcetera." so i told him, pay me two- hundred bucks, and i'll tell a couple girls that you're dynamite in bed. so he did, and i did. duh. of course. naturally, i embellished a little bit. hey, did you hear that finch had sex with an older woman? no? damn, that one was my favorite. hey, finch. wanna dance? i like to keep my options open. and let me just clarify that you have no chance of scoring with me, finch.