you called me to ask me how to get laid? just dial 976-asshole. have you ever heard of the bible? well, that's not really the name, but we always called it that. you know what, nevermind. you're not ready. whoop, you're fading out. good luck at that party. say that again, kevin? orgasm? try the spicy tuna hand roll. uh -- forget that. look, is that all you're interested in? ways to get your girlfriend into bed? that's good, that's what i needed to hear. now you qualify. you've just inherited the bible. it originally started as a sex manual, this book that some guys brought back from amsterdam in the early eighties. what to do with your tongue, things like that. and each year, it got passed on to one east student who was worthy of it. what's that? that's the next book, kevin. that's the next book.