and what we should do today, in band? instead of playing our instruments regularly? we should play them backwards! that'll be so funny! we're here for the party? ringing the bell is dorky -- let's just go in. and so, one time? i was at band camp? and we weren't supposed to have pillow fights? but we had a pillow fight! and it was so much fun! is it because we have a test tomorrow? sometimes i get cranky when i know i have a big test to study for. i thought so. because, one time? i was at this -- michelle. really? you seriously want to go with me? are we going to steve stifler's party afterwards? that would be so cool. cool! we're gonna have so much fun! it's like this one time, at band camp. you know, at band camp? we have dances like this. only they're way funner. don't you think prom is just highly overrated? it reminds me of this one time -- hey, can i ask you a question? how come you don't have any stories? i've got lots of stories, and you don't have any. are they gross or something, like guy stuff? tell me. that is a nasty story! you wanna hear a nasty story of mine? it's kind of sexual. well, this one time? at band camp? we were playing this game, i don't know if you know it? but it's called spin the bottle? and i had to kiss this guy named marc wander on the lips? and. yes! and he was such a dork! and everyone laughed at me, but i didn't care? because it was so funny! oh! and then this one time? at band camp? i stuck a flute in my pussy. what, you think i don't know how to get myself off? hell, that's what half of band camp is! sex ed! now, i have two rubbers. wear them both, it'll desensitize you. i don't want you coming so damn early. come on. i saw you on the net. why do you think i accepted this date? you're a sure thing! don't you want me to? okay!