you are in my english class, no? i thought so. okay. you are right. the hands are not always necessary. in fact -- i should teach you my own special method. i developed it myself at the ballet institute in prague. you use nothing but the muscles of the inner thigh. you are very good in the world history class, yes? perhaps you can help me with my studies? well, i do have ballet practice. perhaps i can come by your house afterwards. i can change clothes at your place? hello james. ready to study. do you mind? this fabric is so uncomfortable. james! you have come in here on purpose?! shame on you! well. you have seen me. now it is my turn to see you. strip. yes, slowly. for me? perfect. move with the music. no, no, you must put your whole body into it. can't what? do you not want to be with me? i wish to be entertained, james. more sexy, jim, more sexy. more, more, you bad boy! now! hames, come to me. be gentle. jim. you are done, james. perhaps i should be going now. i do like your dirty magazines. yes. james, it is knowing that these beautiful women arouse you that arouses me. oh jim. so, "shaved" is the expression? touch me jim. here. i am sorry, jim. i suppose we will not be doing any studying now. it is too bad. i was at first hoping you would ask me to the prom. but. come back to bed, james.