what's up, fellas? indeed. some fine ladies here, boys. confidence is high, repeat, confidence is high. sherman is moving to defcon two, full strategic arsenal ready for deployment. did you see that central chick? brunette? she's around. seems that she's taken a liking to me. fellas, it's time that she experienced -- the sherminator. i'm a sophisticated sex robot, sent back through time. to change the future for one lucky lady. don't you think you fellas could try a little tact? i've got company. know what i mean? i'll never forget. thank you. fellas, say goodbye to chuck sherman, the boy. i am now a man. i highly recommend you join the club. it was just my time, fellas, it was just my time. best of luck to you, boys. still questing after the holy grail, eh guys? jim must've addressed that e-mail wrong. it went out to every mailbox in the east high directory. god, how juvenile. the horror, the horror. i'm on the offensive, boys. the sherman tank is going back in. locked on target, flying in stealth mode under enemy sex radar. ready to drop the payload. again.